Author: Sitaram Naik Page 1 of 4

Other religion

Terrorism does not have any identity but we are attaching a tag every time. Terrorists think that they are killing people of other religion. The dying people think that they are killed by people of other religion. The people who discuss about this incident also say that people of one religion are killed by people of other religion. The common thing in minds of all people is other religion. If we create respect for other religion, terrorism and hate speech disappear.

All world problems are interlinked.

Air pollution causes climate change and that causes poverty. Poverty creates terrorism and hate speech among religions aggravates it. Climate change creates losses in agriculture and that raises cost of living. High costs create huge wealth gaps and that create slavery. World creates business over all the problems and we call it a sustainable development.

Base problems are poverty, air pollution and hate speech among religions. These problems exist for a long time because of the way people see them. The thought process of people needs to be put on a right path with respect to these problems.

Politicians have power to divide the world into countries and country into states. Religions have more power because they can divide each street into pieces. At same time, religions can combine all people across borders as a single unit. It is up to us how we use the power of religion.

You get right to hate people of other religions when you take care of two things.

  1. Don’t use what people of other religions have created.
  2. Don’t use what people of other religions have already used.

When you take care of these two things, you get full right to hate people of other religions. For more clarity, let me give you few examples of the above two points.

First thing that you need to leave is your mobile phone. Mobile phone has many parts, cover, battery, screen, camera, speaker, internal memory, external memory, operating system, applications, games, and so on. Each part is created by different company. In each company, they can have people of all religions as employees. There is no limit for number of applications. Each application comes from different company from different part of the world. The integration of all these is your mobile phone. That means your mobile phone is created by people of all religions of the world.

Next thing, you need to leave is your car. Car also has many pars like engine, tires, outer design, cushions, audio system, GPS, navigation, infotainment and many other parts. Each part comes from different company. Again people of all religions are involved in creating your car.

Similarly you should leave bus, train, flight, ship and all other vehicles.

The next one that you need to leave is food. The food that you are eating is created by people of many religions. Don’t you believe? I will explain. Your food has many ingredients like rice, wheat, spices, vegetables, fruits, salt, sugar, curd and so on. These are not created by one person at one place. Take rice. Land owner is one person. Seeds are bought from one shop. Tools and vehicles of different people are used for sowing. Many workers are required. Finally when crop is ready, it is cut and sold to factory. They clean, polish and pack them and sell them to super markets or brokers. They make small packs and distribute across the city. We buy some part of it and use it as our food. Many people, factories, shops are involved for getting one ingredient of our food. Just think of how many people of how many places are involved in creating the food that we are eating today. Every country is importing food from other countries. That means, food is created by people of all religions of the world.

Next thing is water. People of other religions have already drank water and urinated it. They wash face with water and that water goes in drain. They bathe, wash clothes, dishes, house and everything. All that water goes in drain and gets mixed in the ocean. The ocean water evaporates and forms clouds. These clouds go all around the world and rain. The rain comes as rivers, lakes, tanks and even underground water. We get that water in our home in various forms. We filter it and drink. So the water is already used by people of all religions of the world.

The last but not the least is air. People of other religions have breathed in the air and released it. The air that we are breathing now is already used by people of other religions. Those who like to hate people of other religions should not use the air that is already used.

When you can avoid these few things, you get full rights to hate people of other religions.

Love and hate

By default we all love each other. We all love all living creatures of our world. I will prove it in 2 minutes.

You went out with your loved one. You both were feeling hungry. You checked your bag and found one apple. You immediately gave it to your loved one. That person ate half of it and gave it to you. What do you do? Do you think, “This apple touched that person’s teeth and lips, how can I eat what somebody else has eaten?” or just eat it without second thought. You ate some part and gave it back to your loved one. That person eats the remaining. You ate what other person had eaten without any conditions because you love that person unconditionally.

One person breathes air and consumes whatever that person requires and releases the remaining. We breathe that air and consume whatever is required and release. This sharing happens unconditionally because we all love each other unconditionally by default.

Then, where this word hate comes from? This has not come, it is created.

One adult met a 5 year old child and asked her, “Who do you like the most, your mother or your father?” The child immediately answers, “My father”. The adult said, “You like your father that means you don’t like your mother”. The child never thought in that way so the child was silent. The adult continued, “That means you hate your mother”. The child thought for a while, “Not liking means hating so may be right” and nods her head. Then the adult confirmed, “You like your father and you hate your mother”. The child nodded her head as if she learned something new. From that day onwards, the child feels anger for everything her mother does.

This is exactly how politicians are creating anger among religions. Wrong spiritual leaders make you believe that you hate people of other religions. You like your religion. You like your god. That means, you don’t like god of other religions. That means you hate god of other religions. That means you hate people who worship god of other religions. That means you hate people of other religions. As it all looks logical, your mind remembers only the last sentence. When you travel in a public transport, if you see a person of other religion, your mind reminds you that you hate that person. Immediately your behaviour towards that person changes. You try to avoid or stay away from that person. You look at that person as if he is your enemy. This is all because of the negativity installed in your mind. Otherwise how can you hate an unknown person? Hate is created by few people who want to separate people for their advantage.

People think that hate is opposite of like. But it is wrong. Do you think cold and hot are opposites? No. Cold means less heat and hot means more heat. 20° C in Africa is cold but same 20° C is Alaska is hot. When the heat is more than what we tolerate is hot, when the heat is less it is called cold. Similarly hate and like are less love and more love. In the example of father and mother, the child loves both. She loves her father little more. We are drawing a strong line in-between and calling one part like and other part hate. Please remove the line. Like and hate are just more love and less love. They are not opposites.

Our home

Bedroom, hall, kitchen or balcony, it is our home.
Karnataka, Punjab, Assam or Gujarat, it is our home.
India, America, Japan or Africa, it is our home.
Earth, Mars, Neptune or Venus, it is our home.

We have right and responsibility on our home.
We are owners and servants of our home.
Let us keep clean land, water and air of our home.
Only our family lives in our home.
All living creatures including trees are our family members.
Let us love, help and take care of our family members.
Because it is our home.

City traffic

Real reason of traffic jams in cities are explained with solution to have long-term traffic-free roads in highly populated cities.

Traffic does not depend on number of vehicles on road, wideness of the road and time of the day. Traffic only depends on number of blockages and duration of blockages of vehicle movement. If there are more blockages, there will be slow vehicle movement. If there is long duration of blockage, accumulation of vehicles will be more. Combination of slow vehicle movement and accumulation of vehicles cause all types of traffic jams.

Blockage includes traffic signals, road humps, potholes, rough road, blind curves, vehicle breakdown, cows, other domestic animals and so on. Only traffic signals are taken care in the solution as other things are one time task to clear.

A city’s development depends on its traffic. Traffic jams on city roads hinder development of the city. As city gets developed, number of vehicles increases. That does not mean that there will be heavy traffic. Traffic and traffic jams depend on infrastructural plan of the city.


When we talk about emergency, only ambulance comes to our mind. When ambulance is seen on the road, we give way. What about many more emergencies on the road? When somebody is critical at home, they don’t call ambulance and wait for it to come and take the patient. They take the patient to hospital in their own vehicle. Isn’t it an emergency? 90% of patients with medical emergencies (other than road accidents) are taken to hospital in car or auto. Just because it is a private vehicle, we don’t feel their urgency. It is very critical to reach on time for a person who is attending an interview. What about a student who is going for an exam? If there is traffic jam, whether he/she is travelling by private vehicle or public transport, will the college allow the student to write exam and give the lost time?

Common solutions

Common solutions that many people suggest while talking about traffic are:

Starting early
Starting early is not a solution for traffic problem. What is Starting early for medical emergencies? Starting early is solution only for individuals. Starting 3 hours early on Friday evening on few roads of Bangalore does not guarantee you to reach railway station on time. If it rains on that day, the hope is completely lost. What is starting early in this case?

Widening of roads
Widening of roads can only allow accumulation of more vehicles. It can never solve traffic problem.

How traffic jams happen?

The following simple calculation shows how traffic jams happen.


100 cars that are distributed equally on 1km stretch of a single lane road are moving with 60kmph speed.

Road length: 1km (1000 meters)
Number of cars: 100
Car length: 3m
Gap between cars: 7m
Speed of cars: 60kmph

If there is a junction with green signal for 60 seconds, all these 100 cars can cross the junction in 60 seconds.

If a junction on the road gets a red signal for 60 seconds, all cars will come and get adjusted in front of the signal in a stretch of 300 meters.

After red signal, if it gets green signal for 60 seconds, can all 100 cars cross the junction? No. Because each car has to start with 0kmph speed and increase its speed slowly. If each car takes 3 seconds to start and move forward and give enough space for next car to move, only about 20 cars can cross the junction in 60 seconds. So the remaining 80 cars come forward and get adjusted near the junction. In this gap of 2 minutes, many other cars also come and join the already waiting vehicles. This accumulation increases as number of vehicles on the road increases. Duration of red signal is much more than duration of green signal because 3 directions get green signal while we are waiting in red signal. So because of long red signal, the accumulation time and thereby number of accumulated vehicles will be very high.

If always a green signal is given at a junction, there will not be any accumulation of vehicles and there will not be any traffic jam. In this case, according to our above calculation, about 6000 cars can cross the junction every hour on a single lane road. If it is two-lane road, about 12000 cars can cross the junction every hour.

Solution: Signal free roads

60% to 80% of traffic congestion can be reduced by making one lane each side completely signal free on major roads of the city. The procedure is as follows:

  • Identify few roads of the city as major roads. All the major roads of the city should be made signal free. When two major roads cross, that junction should be made complete signal free junction.
  • Identify all major and minor junctions with respect to both vehicle movement and pedestrian movement. Number of vehicles crossing each junction in each direction should be recorded for a particular period to label each junction as minor or major. This data will give idea of which roads and junctions will go signal free.
  • Reduce number of junctions by closing junctions at small road crossings. A junction that has negligible vehicle movement in two directions compared to other two directions is a minor junction. So it can be made straight road by blocking two directions.
  • At every junction, construct an over bridge of two lanes, one for going and the other for coming back. On a road with 4 lanes, two lanes will be used for signal free straight road and other two lanes will be used for left and right turning vehicles.
  • Below the over-bridge, it will be a signal controlled junction. Side road vehicles and vehicles of main road that needs to turn left or right will be moving according to the signal.


A city road plan or traffic control plan without including pedestrian crossing will be a failure always. Demand for pedestrian crossing is not same at all junctions. So some level of analysis is required before planning for it.

  • Similar to vehicle movement, statistics of pedestrian movement at every junction has to be studied to decide whether to install a pedestrian crossing bridge or a pedestrian signal at the junction.
  • All signal junctions below over-bridges will have pedestrian crossing option in the signal. Pedestrian crossing is allowed at some of the other junctions where vehicle crossing is not allowed. Pedestrian crossing will be allowed only through signals at all junctions.
  • Where very high number of pedestrian crossing is expected, a pedestrian crossing bridge will be constructed across the road. It can be an under-pass or overhead iron bridge.
  • Signals of all the junctions of a main road will be synchronized. This synchronization is very important to control the traffic. With this synchronization, all vehicles will stop at same time and start at same time so that there will not be any accumulation or traffic jam problems.
  • Synchronization of all signals of the main road with real clock time will help pedestrians to plan their tasks. They can avoid waiting on the road and utilize that time for something else.
  • 1 minute is given at every 5 minute cycle for pedestrian crossing at signal junctions below over-bridge. 1 minute is given at every 15 minute cycle for pedestrian crossing at all other junctions where vehicle crossing not allowed.
  • LED timers will be displayed at all junctions so that pedestrians will know exactly when they are going to get their turn and also the time left for them to cross.


With signal free roads, one hour journey can be completed in 15 minutes. That means:

75% reduction in travel time
All emergencies are taken care automatically. Productivity of people will improve and they get more time for their life.

75% reduction in fuel consumption
Huge reduction in transportation/travel cost. Fuel savings of all vehicles of peak hour can be used for national development.

75% reduction in air pollution
Reduction in air pollution reduces lot of health hazards of humans and all other living creatures. And also helps in urban development. You can read Urban Air Pollution article to know more advantages.


Sitaram Naik Speech

Speech of Sitaram Naik at 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions on 18 OCT 2015 at 8:15am in Room 251A.

Title: You are unique and everything

Watch the video on YouTube at

The inspirational speech eradicates “hate” from your mind and from the world and gives simple solutions to Poverty, Wealth gap, Climate change and Disability.

This multi-disciplinary speech covers the following topics:

  • Hate speech
  • Definitions of Religion, God and Spirituality
  • Difference between Science and Spirituality
  • Poverty
  • Wealth gap
  • Climate change
  • Disability

Patented solution


Simple techniques to clear air pollution and to control global warming

This is an internationally patented design of a product which can clear air pollution and control global warming. This text is also available on WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) website This design is currently available royalty free. It means that anyone can use the design for personal or commercial purpose without paying royalty.


Simple techniques to clear air pollution and to control global warming are given as a process that can be applied to all major sources of air pollution especially factories and vehicles.

Air pollution is known as a root cause of many diseases and health problems and also known as an aggravating factor of many life threatening diseases. According to a group of scientists, high levels of particulates and carbon dioxide in the air is causing global warming.

The given process filters solid, liquid and some of the gaseous pollutants at source and consumes a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Field of invention

Air pollution, global warming, health problems, factories and vehicles

Background of invention

Air pollution

Air pollution is known as a root cause of many diseases and health problems and also known as an aggravating factor of many life threatening diseases. Out of health hazards of air pollution, more than 99% of health hazards are because of solid and liquid pollutants of the air.

Burning fuels including coal create large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). A group of scientists claim that large accumulation of carbon dioxide in the environment is causing global warming.

Solid and liquid pollutants (particulates)

Solid and liquid pollutants (particulates), when inhaled, stick to lung walls and damage them over a period of time. These pollutants get mixed in blood and reach all parts of the body including brain and other important nerves and cause many irreversible damages. Along with humans, these health hazards are common in animals, birds and all creatures that breathe air.

Heavy particulates are pulled down to ground with gravity when air flow slows down. These particulates settle on leaves of trees and form a solid layer. This solid layer blocks sun light and carbon dioxide which are essential for photosynthesis and for a leaf to live. As solid particulates are available in air every day, solid layers are formed on new leaves also. Trees are unable to create their food unless rains wash out these solid layers regularly.

With heavy and continuous solid air pollution from factories, smoke clouds are formed in the sky. When it rains, the particulates dissolve in to or get mixed with rain water. The polluted rain water pollutes rivers, lakes, streams and all other water bodies. With rain water harvesting and ground water refilling, the polluted rain water reaches underground and pollutes ground water also. All the creatures including trees (other than sea-creatures) that depend on water are facing health hazards.

Temperature on earth depends on altitude. As solar rays and solar heat reach ground, surface of earth (zero altitude or sea level) records highest temperature in the atmosphere and the temperature gradually reduces as altitude increases. Water stays in solid state (ice) on tall mountains from a particular altitude and above where the temperature is low. Solid clouds (or smoke clouds) stay at higher altitude, block solar light, consume solar heat and behave as surface of earth. With continuous consumption of heat, these clouds gain “zero altitude temperature” and start a new temperature range from their altitude and above. Automatically mountains that have ice at higher altitudes start melting as temperature at that altitude has increased. Other high altitude areas on earth also gain high temperatures. In other words, solid clouds almost double high temperature range on earth. Solid particulates that travel to the poles settle down on ice and polar ice starts melting because ice with solid dust melts faster than clean shining ice. When solid clouds are cleared from the environment, automatically high temperature range on earth comes down and global warming effect reverses.

In simple terms, particulates are causing many health hazards to most of the living creatures including trees and also causing global warming and damages to the nature.

Gaseous pollutant – Carbon dioxide

Large accumulation of carbon dioxide is actually good for growth of trees. With availability of sufficient amounts of carbon dioxide in the environment, tree can consume lot of solar light and heat and grow faster. As trees grow they consume more carbon dioxide and more solar heat. So levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the environment should get balanced automatically. But the percentage of carbon dioxide is growing continuously in the environment. The reasons are:

  1. Humans are cutting and killing trees. Reduction in number of trees reduces carbon dioxide consumption.
  2. Leaves of living trees are covered with solid dust (particulates). Huge amounts of carbon dioxide and solar light are available in the environment but inaccessible to leaves. Slowly the leaves die and then the trees.
  3. Carbon dioxide accumulation is high only at some parts of the world. If large forests exist very far from carbon dioxide accumulated areas, carbon dioxide consumption cannot happen. Those forests may be starving for carbon dioxide as animal population is also reduced in forests. Highly populated cities have large amounts of carbon dioxide and less number of trees. Remote villages have forests but less carbon dioxide.
  4. Carbon dioxide is not reachable to trees. This is the most important point that needs immediate attention. The carbon dioxide molecule that is generated in the process of burning something (fuel) is highly heated and excited. It moves very fast towards low pressure layers of the atmosphere. After crossing many pressure layers, it loses heat and stays there. Usually natural gases do not change pressure layers. So all heated and excited carbon dioxide molecules move very far from ground and stay there forever. Trees can consume only the molecules that touch leaves. The other carbon dioxide molecules that have reached gaganosphere (atmosphere that trees cannot access) are not consumed or converted. So large amount of carbon dioxide is getting accumulated in gaganosphere of the environment.


Vruxosphere: Atmosphere that trees can access

Gaganosphere: Atmosphere that trees cannot access, atmosphere beyond vruxosphere

These definitions are derived from ancient Indian language Sanskrit. Vruxam means tree. Gaganam means sky.

Sources of air pollution

Factories release large quantities of particulates continuously into the air. Vehicle produce very less quantity of particulates compared to a factory. But large number of vehicles and high density of vehicles on the road in peak hours produces huge quantity of particulates where density of human population is high. Air pollution from vehicles largely damages health of people. Air pollution from factories damages whole nature.  The major part of air pollution consists of pollutants of factories and vehicles. Other sources of air pollution are generators and other diesel and petrol equipments. Though these equipments are sparsely used, the techniques given in this document can be used to filter particulates generated by them also.

Object of invention

A process with techniques to filter solid, liquid and some of the gaseous pollutants using water and to reduce carbon dioxide from the environment

Summary of invention

A process is defined that covers the techniques to filter solid, liquid and some of the gaseous pollutants using water from the two main sources of air pollution, factories and vehicles. It also covers techniques to consume large amounts of carbon dioxide and to accelerate consumption of carbon dioxide in the environment.

This process involves usage of multiple connected water tanks with air splitter installed in each water tank. Chimneys of factories or exhausts of vehicles are connected to inlet of first tank of connected water tanks so that emissions pass through all connected water tanks. The filtered and cooled gases emit out from the outlet of the last tank.

In case of vehicles, plant grids are also installed on roof of each vehicle.  Plant grid is a rectangular grid with a flowerpot at one corner and one or more plants (creepers or vines) covering whole grid.

Detailed description of the invention

Detailed description starts with description of the objects that need to be created and used in this process, followed by explanation of how the process is used in factories and vehicles and ends with benefits of implementation of this process.

Air splitter design
  • Air splitter blocks the flow of polluted air, consumes heat and allows the air to flow through small holes as bubbles so that more particulates get filtered in water. It slows down flow of input air and also cools down.
  • Pyramid shape is best suited for air splitter and it is easy to create, though shape of air splitter can be hemisphere, ellipsoid or any other shape.
  • Size of air splitter should be such that it should fit within the water tank by leaving enough space for fixing input pipe from any side. That means that margins should be given in all sides and at bottom also. Height of the air splitter can be approximately half of inner height of the tank. Holes are made on surface of the air splitter at regular intervals so that air bubbles do not join together. The holes near (center) tip of the pyramid (air splitter) should be very small. Diameters of holes are increased as holes move away from (center) tip.
  • Air splitter is expected to consume heat of polluted air. Any metal can be used to create air splitter including copper, steel, brass, aluminium and tin. Cheap and best option is tin.
Water tank design
  • Water tank filters particulates with help of water and air splitter. Solids and liquids get mixed up with water. Some of the gases that can react with water complete their reaction and get mixed up with water. Water consumes heat of the polluted gas with help of air splitter. So most of the harmful contents of polluted air are filtered in this design.
  • Shape of the water tank is a six sided rectangular box. It consists of four side walls, one top wall and one bottom wall. Cylindrical or other shaped water tanks can also be used. But the shape of rectangular box is best to optimize space.
  • An out-knob (means projected outside) is fixed along with air-tight cap on the top wall (or on one of the side walls near the top wall) for filling water into the tank.
  • An out-knob close to bottom wall on one of the side walls for releasing water from the tank is also fixed along with air-tight cap.
  • A small slope can be introduced for the bottom plane of the tank so that the accumulated solids settle near the bottom out-knob. When the knob is opened, the solid pollutants exhaust first. After solids are discharged, the knob can be closed to conserve water.
  • An inlet and an outlet on same wall or on two different side walls at ¾ (three-fourth) height of the tank are set. Having same height for both inlet and outlet is better.
  • One end of a pipe is connected to the inner side of inlet and the other end of the pipe is kept open at bottom-center of the tank. The opening of the pipe is kept upwards so that when air comes out of the pipe, the bobbles move straight upwards.
  • Connect a simple valve at end of the pipe to allow air to come out and to block water from entering the pipe.
  • An out-knob can be fixed at outlet to release the filtered air.
  • An out-knob can be fixed at inlet to easily attach pipe coming from chimney of factory or exhaust of vehicle.
  • A pyramid shaped air splitter with varying size holes is kept in the water tank fully immersed in the water. It splits input air into many small bubbles. It is placed at center of the tank.
  • Detachable top cover for water tank is best to change or clean air splitter when holes get closed with solid-fills.
  • Approximately ¾ (75%) of tank is filled with water. As level of water required is same as level of inlet and outlet, filling of water can be stopped when water comes out of outlet.
Multiple connected water tanks design
  • When polluted air passes through water, some of the particulates get filtered in the water but all particulates will not be filtered in single pass. So it is better to pass the polluted air through multiple connected water tanks to filter particulates.
  • When two water tanks are used, the outlet of first tank becomes inlet of second tank. To optimize space and cost, single wall can be shared as outlet wall for first tank and inlet wall for second tank.
  • When more than two tanks are used, each tank shares one or more walls with other tanks.
  • Tanks can be arranged from side to side and also from top to bottom to optimize space required when many water tanks are used.
  • When tanks are stacked (top to bottom), keeping one of the top layer tanks as first tank is better for refilling water. Keeping first few tanks at top layer with detachable cover makes maintenance of air splitter easy.
  • As heights of inlet and outlet are same for each tank and height of inlet of connected tank is same or lower (in case of stacked tanks), pouring water in first tank can fill all tanks. Water needs to be filled till water comes out of outlet of last tank.
Plant grid design
  • Millions of trees including small, big and centuries-old trees are cut to create and extend roads and train tracks in every country. That is a major loss for the nature. Plant grid design gives a great opportunity for vehicle owners to repay nature as the land occupied for roads and train tracks will never be returned for planting trees.
  • Vehicles that do not have luggage compartment on roof need to get it fixed. It can be done by fixing two rods permanently at two longer sides of the roof of the vehicle with enough margins.
  • A simple rectangular grid is created as: Four sticks are arranged to form a rectangle. All four joints are tied with thin strong rope. Many ropes/cords are tied to parallel sticks to form horizontal and vertical lines inside the rectangle with approximately equal space between adjacent parallel lines to form a grid. A flowerpot is tied securely at one corner of this grid. One or more creepers or vines are grown on each rectangular grid with their roots in the flowerpot. A rectangular grid or any other shaped grid with one or more plants is called plant grid. Plant grid can be made in any shape like circular, oval, square, triangle and so on. But rectangular or square shape is more suitable for vehicles.
  • Rectangular grid can be made with any material like metal, plastic, wood and so on. Size of the rectangular grid is decided depending on the target vehicle.
  • One or more plant grids can be used for each vehicle. Small vehicles (like cars and 3-wheelers) can have one plant grid whereas big vehicles (like buses, trucks and trains) can have many plant grids.
  • Plants with weak stem that derives support from climbing, twining or creeping along a surface (creepers or vines), grass beds, low height plants and other small plants can be used as greenery on vehicles.
  • Plant grids are detachable. For servicing a vehicle, the plant grids of the vehicle can be detached easily, placed on ground and refixed after servicing. It should be a single person operation for small vehicles.
  • In case the vehicle needs to stay in garage for many days, the plant grids can be detached and placed in balcony or on the terrace.
  • Plant grids can be exchanged with botanical gardens or farmers who grow and sell these plant grids. This exchange can happen when the plant starts shedding leaves or when owner of the vehicle likes to have different plant. Numerous plant options are available for the customer like various colors and shapes of flowers, leaves, vegetables and fruits.

Solution for factories

Multiple connected water tanks design has to be implemented for each chimney of a factory. All the water tanks are filled with water. The output of chimney is connected to the inlet of first water tank.

Water can be taken from any source for filling these tanks. Sea water is good option for factories as water requirement is high. When sea water is used, it is better to use non-salty water in at least one tank preferably the last tank.

Emptying and refilling of water is done for a tank when accumulation of solid particulates crosses the predefined limit.

Frequency of refilling depends on production of particulates and size of water tank and also tank number in the sequence. The frequency is high for first tank, less for subsequent tanks and the least for last tank.

Sufficient sizes should be selected for water tanks depending on the production of particulates to reduce frequency of water refilling.

If the production of particulates is constant then the frequency of refilling of each tank can be recorded and followed without verification of solid accumulation.

This process filters solids, liquids and some gases that react with water. If the factory produces some poisonous gases that do not react with water, suitable chemicals that can react with the poisonous gases can be mixed in one of the water tanks (preferably the last one).

This process cools down the emitted gases. The cooled emitted gases like carbon dioxide stay longer in vruxosphere and get consumed by trees.

Some factories produce huge quantities of carbon dioxide. The trees in that area may not be able to consume so much. Leaving the huge quantities of cooled down carbon dioxide in vruxosphere may be harmful for humans and leaving so much carbon dioxide in gaganosphere is harmful for nature. So the best solution is to pump complete carbon dioxide production to the nearby forest. A gas pipeline has to be created starting from outlet of the last water tank to middle of the forest. Forest can consume large part of the produced carbon dioxide. Multiple factories can supply carbon dioxide to one forest and one factory can supply carbon dioxide to multiple forests also.

With this process, a highly polluting factory becomes non-polluting factory without reducing or controlling its productivity.

The accumulated solid particulates can be used for other business or purpose. Example: (1) Emissions of cement factory may get hardened when it is dried. So if it is hardened in brick shape, the emissions can produce bricks. (2) Emissions of coal factories have lot of carbon products. So these accumulated carbon solids can be used as pesticides in drainages. Similarly emissions of each factory can be used for a purpose.

Solution for vehicles

Multiple connected water tanks design has to be implemented for each vehicle. All the water tanks are filled with water. End of the exhaust is connected to the inlet of first water tank.

Small motor vehicles including 2-wheelers and 3-wheelers and very less polluting vehicles can have two water tanks. Other vehicles can have many connected water tanks depending on their level of pollution.

Water tanks can be fixed permanently to the vehicle or a groove can be made to place the tanks.

Detachable top covers are kept for all tanks so that level of accumulated solid pollutants can be checked directly by opening the top cover and also cleaning of air splitter can be done easily.

One or more plant grids are installed on top of each vehicle.

This process filters particulates and cools down the emitted gases. The cooled emitted gases like carbon dioxide stay longer in vruxosphere. As plant grids are always available with vehicles, consumption of carbon dioxide is high.

At peak traffic hours, both release of carbon dioxide and greenery on roads are high. And no particulates are released in air. So the scenery looks like a moving garden.


  • Farmers get more work as they need to grow plant grids.
  • Small scale local business for manufacturing water tanks and air splitters suitably for various types of vehicles.
  • Labourers get maintenance work to install and remove plant grids from vehicles and also to cut out-grown branches.
  • Plant grids block solar light, consume heat and keep the vehicle cool. AC requirement comes down drastically and fuel is saved.
  • As water tanks filter particulates, air is free of pollution. Pollution free air encourages people to open vehicle windows for fresh air. That avoids AC usage completely and saves fuel.
  • When air is free of pollution, people prefer to walk or use bicycle for short distances. That solves both traffic and fuel problems.
  • All health problems caused by air pollution vanish.
  • Animals, birds and all other living creatures are also benefitted by pollution free air.
  • Rain water pollution stops.
  • Plant grids with various colors of flowers and leaves will give a great look for vehicles. The road will look like a moving garden.
  • Plant grids can also be kept in balconies or on roof as decoration. Plant grids can be alternatives for balcony flowerpots. When whole family is out of station for a long duration, these plant grids can be given to friends or relatives for watering as these are easily transportable.
  • As solid particulates do not accumulate on leaves and cooled carbon dioxide is available in vruxosphere, trees consume a lot of carbon dioxide and grow.
  • All particulates are filtered at source, smoke clouds or solid clouds get cleared and the problem of global warming is solved.


I claim:

  1. Use of one or more connected water tanks of various sizes to filter solid, liquid and some of the gaseous pollutants generated from factories, vehicles, equipments and other establishments that produce air pollutants.
  2. Use of air splitters in water tanks to slow down air flow, to reduce bubble sizes and to consume heat.
  3. Use of water, chemicals or mix of water and chemicals in water tanks.
  4. Use of slope at bottom wall of the water tank for easy flush out of solid pollutants to conserve water.
  5. Use of one or more plant grids on vehicle to consume carbon dioxide or to consume heat or as a shade or as a decoration or for any other purpose.

Finding polio treatment

Sitaram Naik had polio. He used to think that his disability was because of his poverty, because his parents were unable to spend money for his polio treatment. So he studied well and joined software job and earned money. Then he went to many famous hospitals and met experts in the field to know that there was no cure for polio. Medical science said, “It is impossible to recover polio affected leg”. But he believed in a quotation, “You are never given a wish without being given the power to make it come true“. His wish was to recover completely from polio. Now which one should he believe, his own belief or medical science? He went ahead with his own belief and decided to recover from polio completely.

He did 3 to 4 hours of exercises daily on polio affected leg to find what movement makes what change. After 3 hours of exercises, he used to lay down and observe what exactly happens inside the leg through meditation. He got heavy pain in one of the exercises. Still he continued doing that exercise daily. One day he got maximum pain as if someone was pulling skin out of his body. His body could not bear the pain and got heavy fever. So he stopped doing exercises. The fever came down after 4 days. After 15 days he felt a small bulge on the muscle. After 30 days, he saw a visible growth of the muscle. Then he understood that a nerve that was connected to the muscle got activated on the day he felt heavy pain. After that even without exercises the muscle started growing. With the same process he has activated 3 more nerves and the connected muscles are growing to catch up with his body design. There are some more nerves that need to be activated. Work is in progress.

A normal person can only talk about disability. Only a disabled person can feel exactly what happens in the body. So there is an opportunity for a disabled person to find a treatment for the disability. Your mind has given you disability because it thinks that you can find a treatment and show the path to others. Believe in yourself. Because you are unique and everything.

You have to be very strong when whole world including science is against your belief. Hold on to your belief long enough to achieve what you want.

You can do if you think so


Sitaram Naik can be contacted at

Biography of Sitaram Naik

Sitaram Naik was born in a very poor family in India. His education was in government schools and colleges. He graduated from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and got post graduation from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. After that he worked for about 10 years in a software company (Tata Elxsi, Bangalore). Few months before he left the job, his mind started thinking about life. “Is it the life I wanted? Why am I not thinking about my life’s ambition (Eradicating poverty) that I had set in my childhood? When I feel that I can do anything, why am I doing only the things that many other people can do? When millions of people in the world are suffering with so many problems and I feel that I can solve all their problems, then why am I working to earn money only for myself?”. At same time he got opposites thoughts like, “Is it right to leave high salary job? Should I risk the current comfort life?”.

With so many contradictory thoughts, he finally decided to leave the job to think what to do. He left the job, stayed away from family and made his mind free from all responsibilities. He had extensive thinking about life, his country and the world, especially the nature. He decided to spend his whole life to improve lives of people and other living creatures. He had two options in front. One is to start with a small task and grow slowly. Second is to analyse all world problems, find root causes of all the problems, find common things among the root causes and solve common things so that most of the problems can be solved at once. He selected second path. He analysed some of the world problems, found root causes and defined simple solutions. The process is going on for other problems. Already analysed problems are listed on this website.

Read autobiography of Sitaram Naik

Urban Air Pollution

Air pollution is root cause of many health problems, traffic, poverty, global warming, loss of biodiversity, loss of productivity, loss of trees, acid rains, water pollution, extra fuel consumption and also air pollution.

Health problems

According to World Health Organization (WHO), in the year 2012, ambient (outdoor) air pollution was responsible for 3.7 million deaths, representing 6.7% of the total deaths. Worldwide, ambient air pollution is estimated to cause about 16% of the lung cancer deaths, 11% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) deaths, more than 20% of ischaemic heart disease and stroke, and about 13% of respiratory infection deaths.

Apart from deaths, number of people affected by health problems because of air pollution is uncountable.


People who prefer to walk one kilo meter (KM), who prefer to use bicycle up to 5 KMs, who prefer to use public transport (bus) for more than 5 KMs are using cars because of air pollution. Many people are using cars to avoid health problems but not for luxury. If we reduce air pollution, all these people prefer public transport and traffic comes down drastically.


Air pollution affects a poor person from many directions. Health problems increase expenditure which is a direct hit on daily income. Health problems reduce productivity. Decreased productivity decreases income and sometimes disables a person from working and it is affecting daily labourers very badly.

Global warming

Root cause of global warming is air pollution. If we control air pollution, global warming automatically comes in our full control. Read more at Global warming article.

Loss of biodiversity

Solid dust on leaves of trees are hampering process of photosynthesis and endangering the lives of trees as leaves are the only source of energy for trees.

Human beings are affected by air pollution even after having masks, cloths, multiple transport options, knowing polluted & non-polluted areas, options to change their time of travel and place of work. What about birds? What about domestic animals? What about small creatures that roam around trees? They don’t have hands to cover their nose for bad smell. They don’t know whether the rain water has acids or bases. How long a just born bird can live by breathing polluted toxic air? Billions of living creatures that breathe air are getting affected by air pollution. Biodiversity cannot be conserved only by protecting forests. We need to provide them clean water and clean air as fundamental right to live.

Water pollution

The main source of water pollution is air pollution. When it rains, the particulates get mixed with rain water and the polluted rain water pollutes lakes, rivers and all water bodies. Heavy air pollution causes acid rains also.

Air pollution

As people use AC private vehicles instead of public transportation and bicycles to avoid air pollution, the extra fuel consumption causes more air pollution.


Thinking Power

Changes in Chess Game to improve Thinking Power

Every step in chess game is a game by itself. For every step, we need to see the powers and positions of both players and decide the best step for that condition. This step does not depend on the past steps or future steps. It is a decision to be made for the current situation. Overall it is a game of many steps because all the steps are according to a strategy. But the strategy gets changed at every step. Better not to call it as change of strategy. We need to define a new strategy at every step depending on the current situation. So chess is a game of strategies.

When I play chess game with children, I show the mistakes that they make and I give suggestions for better steps and guide them. Some times children feel that I am playing the game from both sides. On the other side, if they lose the game every time, they lose interest in the game. If I also make mistakes to give better chances for the child to win, child does not learn anything and there is no use of playing the game. But sometimes I make mistakes as if that is done unknowingly and bring my game in toughest condition. Then I seriously fight back with the limited powers. That is challenging for me and for the child also.

It is difficult to find two family members with same level of expertise in playing chess game. Even among siblings, there is difference of expertise. When people play with different expertise, one person will win always. The other person will never play by knowing that he/she will lose always.

To facilitate two people with different expertise to play chess game and to promote chess game among family members, I am proposing some changes to the chess game. The changes are:

  1. Depending on the handicap (lack of expertise), the opponent is offered multiple “Colour swaps”.
    1. Maximum 3 Colour swaps are allowed. Number of Colour swaps is decided at start of the game. It can be 1, 2 or 3.
    2. The following rules can be added, if required, on top of Colour swaps to restrict purposeful negligence.
      1. Colour swap is not allowed when it is in “Check”
      2. Preset minimum number of powers should be present with the handicapped player to allow Colour swap, like Queen should be alive or half of other powers should be alive, etc.
  2. For the players with same level of expertise, one Colour swap is allowed for each player.
    1. When a player requests for Colour swap, the opponent can also request for Colour swap immediately without making any step. Then the game will be same as the current chess game without any Colour swaps.
    2. Colour swap can be used when one of the players needs a clue on how to proceed further. Sometimes the game comes to a situation where we can guess who is going to win. Colour swap can be used in that situation to make the game challenging again.

Definition of Colour swap: After Colour swap, players exchange their places and play with opponent’s coins. The player, who is playing with white coins, will play with black coins. The player, who is playing with black coins, will play with white coins. A player can request for Colour swap before making a step when it is his/her turn.

Chess game improves decision making powers, foresight, problem solving and thinking. Education gives knowledge. Having mere knowledge is not enough to survive. Chess game is the simplest, costless solution for gaining invaluable powers to survive. It can be played by anybody irrespective of their age, sex, economical status, educational qualification, expertise and physical strength. With my proposal, any two persons can play the game irrespective of their expertise in the game.

We need to encourage poor illiterates, especially women and girls, to play chess game as often as possible. We need to conduct frequent chess contests among girls in villages. It improves thinking and decision making power. With the proposed changes, children can play with other children or with parents or with grand parents irrespective of their expertise. Along with physical exercises children need mental exercises also. Chess game can give enough mental exercise for children. Government can supply chess boards to school children and poor villagers.

If chess game is downloaded to our mobile phone or laptop, it can be played anywhere without carrying the board. When we play with the computer, it is like a single player game. The game can be saved and resumed whenever we get time.


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