Author: Sitaram Naik Page 2 of 4


In my point of view terrorism is not a problem. It is by-product of other problems. If we solve the real problem, terrorism disappears automatically.

The way this world is attacking terrorism is funny. Every country is doing something to kill terrorism. How they do is the funny part. Terrorism is a huge tree spread over many countries. To kill this tree, every country is cutting its leaves. That too, it cuts only the leaves which are spread over it. The country feels that it has killed/eradicated terrorism after it cuts some or all leaves visible in its territory. It forgets the fact that the tree is huge and spread across many countries. Next year new leaves come up. The country/government reacts shockingly, thinks it as emergence of new terrorists and spends lot of money to cut new leaves. This process is going on for decades.

If you just stop water supply to the root of a tree, how long the tree can survive? Whatever is the size of the tree, it dies very soon. Why these countries and big governments not stopping water supply to the tree of terrorism?

What is water for tree of terrorism? It is money especially black money. The fertilizers to this tree are poverty, poor people or hungry people who can do anything for food. If we can remove black money from this world and reduce poverty, terrorism disappears.

Poverty gives man power for terrorists’ operations across the world. Black money gives money power to buy weapons, vehicles, food and also man power. So black money is the main root cause of terrorism. Terrorists can do nothing without money. All their purchases and transactions are illegal. For illegal purchases, they need to pay more than market price. Terrorists cannot operate without support from local people. Knowing the risk local people will not support so easily. But there are two factors that make people obey them. One is huge money and the other is fear. People rarely obey only with fear. Most of the times, it is both. So terrorists contact local antisocial bodies and pay huge money. These local antisocial bodies will be accumulating hungry poor people for their operations by scaring and showing money. When a weak minded poor person sees huge money which he/she cannot imagine to earn in life time, his/her senses stop working and get ready to do anything. Or if they frighten a person about his life or his family member’s life, without any other option, the person may commit the crime. Once a person commits crime in extreme condition, the criminal leaders use that person as weapon in the society by blackmailing or by showing money.

In all these conditions, money is the dominant part. If we just cut off money inflow to terrorists, none of these can happen. Their activities cannot run longer only with fear factor.

Who is supplying/giving so much money to them? People that are having black money are supplying money to terrorists directly or indirectly. Personally they may be against terrorism. Then how are they supplying money to terrorist? It is very simple logic. Terrorists attack the people that are having huge black money and rob part of it. The person who lost the money cannot report to police because it is black money and cannot fight against terrorists also. These attacks are never recorded in police records. Some of the black money holders grow local terrorists and use them for antisocial activities and earn money illegally. Some people who do illegal business will have direct links with terrorist groups and support them financially. Here also the money used is illegal or black money.

The second part is man power. For terrorist operations, they need huge man power. They gather street children & orphans; provide food & shelter and then train them for antisocial activities. They do brainwashing of those children and make them live and die for their principles. Once the children believe that they are living only for terrorism, they cannot be changed. These children form the core manpower of terrorism. Poor people are the low cost manpower for terrorist groups. Mostly they use poor adults for one time operation. Their permanent and reliable manpower is local antisocial groups. Though these are costly people, they help each other reliably. Along with all these people, there is one more category of people who work as manpower. They are the rich people who are in higher positions of government offices and in other companies. Terrorist groups buy these people by paying huge money. All the security breaches and infiltrations are caused by these people. All the weapon movements and terrorist movements are guarded by these officials. It is difficult to catch them because they will not involve in final operation. Usually only poor people are caught and killed in terrorist attacks and encounters.

Terrorist groups need a lot of money to maintain and grow manpower. Whatever way we see, terrorism is living because of huge inflow of money. It is like water for a tree. Somehow if the world cuts off all the sources of income of terrorist groups, terrorism disappears. If terrorism dies, all the countries that are affected by terrorism start developing similar to the small trees living under the shade of a big tree. When the big tree dies, the small trees living below the big tree start growing.



Religion is a guide book of a path to perfection of an individual.

There is a huge mountain called life. The tip (or top) of the mountain is perfection. Every living creature including human being starts its life at bottom of the mountain and spends its life to reach to the top of the mountain (perfection).

Every person cannot reach the perfection in a life. Only few people have reached the perfection much before their death. The extracts of successful and failure cases of lives of people are available as guide books. Guide books help people in avoiding major blunders while climbing the mountain. One cannot follow other’s path exactly while climbing a mountain because each person’s body structure, step size, speed and stamina are different. Similarly one cannot follow exactly other’s path to perfection because mind, body, concentration levels, behaviour, feelings, life style and environment are all different. There are infinite unique paths to climb a mountain. Some paths may intersect or overlap. Similarly there are infinite unique paths to perfection. The path to perfection followed by a living creature is always unique.

Whether you read one guide book or multiple guide books or don’t read any guide book, your path to perfection is always unique. A guide book of a unique path is also unique. Therefore your religion is always unique. That means, your religion can never match with religion of any other person.

Every living creature is trying to improve its life because it feels that current situation of its life is not perfect. The creatures other than humans also follow their own unique paths to perfection. As humans can share knowledge, we read lives of successful people and try to copy them. In this process, we forget that each person is unique and we cannot do exactly what the other person has done. That’s why we feel like many people are following one religion though in reality each person is following his/her own unique religion. Religion is not related to a group or community. Religion is strictly related to an individual.

Following other’s religion is like wearing other’s dress. We cannot walk and act like other person just by wearing his/her dress. Similarly we cannot gain benefits by following other’s religion. We need to read/understand other’s religion as a guide book or guidelines and shape our own life. Following other’s footsteps blindly is always wrong. If we try to act like other person for whole life, we can never get satisfaction. It is like wasting a life if we don’t customize or create a religion for our own life.

When you do something, if it is improving your work, improving your life, improving your satisfaction levels then you are following a proper path in life. There are more than 7 billion unique religions in our world that are followed by human-beings. Other living creatures also follow their own religions to reach the perfection. Religion is not related to God. Religion is about you, your betterment, your improvement and your level of perfection. Every living creature is trying to live better. The thought process of living better is a religion. It is up to you to call it a religion or something else.

Summary of religion: “You keep doing whatever improves your life”.
The people who tried a path to perfection and achieved some level of perfection are teaching the steps followed by them as religion. It does not mean that the steps that helped him/her will also help you. If those steps are helping you to improve your life, you can follow them. Otherwise you simply ignore them and create your own steps. When a person shows a new path, it does not mean that the other path shown by other person is wrong. This person tried one path and found it was good. The other person tried another path and found that was good. It is up to you to decide whether to follow this path or that path or completely a new path. Whichever path you take, you cannot exactly follow other person’s path. Finally your path will be a unique path though it may resemble one of the earlier paths.


Proposals for Election Process

The following proposals are very important for national development. The proposals are:

(1) Changes in Election process

(2) Demand for solutions

(3) Concept of minimum support

Changes in election process

There is a problem in election process. That is causing all anti-government agitations. If that is corrected, we will have better leaders and the country will develop faster.

In one region two politicians are nominated for election. So for voting, people have two options. When people go for voting, they need to select one of them. Whichever politician gets majority becomes leader. What if people don’t like any of them? People don’t have choice. Some people don’t vote if they don’t like any of them. Even then one of the politicians becomes leader because majority is checked within the collected votes. When people are frustrated with the current leader, they select the other one. When they are frustrated with the other one, they select the first one because they don’t have any other choice. There is no option to say that we don’t want any of them.

Currently democracy is giving options to the people. It is implementing people’s choice. The following example describes the current situation.

Government gives two options to the common man and forces him to select one of them.

Option 1: Cut my left hand

Option 2: Cut my right hand

After cutting one of his hands, government says that common man’s choice is implemented successfully.

There are some villages where the richest person is leader forever. If not one, there will be two alternating. Their families enjoy power and money. They keep poor people poor forever. If the leader becomes old, his family member will be the leader. It is going on for decades. Where is democracy? Where is people’s power? Where is the development?

It is often said that VOTE is the most powerful weapon. When you cannot say with vote, “I don’t want this person as leader”, what power the vote has? When you cannot say with vote, “I want new leader”, what value this vote has? When a vote cannot disqualify a criminal, when a vote cannot disqualify a corrupt person from politics, why should we value the vote or the election? When a criminal is contesting in a region, they keep equally powerful criminal as opponent. We are bound to select one of the criminals. If there is no opponent, the only person contesting is the leader. Where are people coming in to picture? Political parties decide who will rule that region. They keep few people as contestants. They know that one of them will be the leader for that region. How can we call that as people’s choice? Even if none of the citizens except family members of contestants votes, one of the contestants will become leader for that region. That means that leaders are decided much before the elections. Sub-set of the contestants will become future leaders. If we don’t like any of them or some of them, our choices are limited. Even if we know that all of them are corrupt, we can do nothing. So value of our vote is nothing.

I propose an option “None of the above“. Let people have “None of the above” option along with contestants list in elections. If a person gets the majority, he/she will become the leader. If “None of the above” option gets the majority, disqualify all the contestants of that region from elections and seek fresh nominations. It is because people are not supporting any of the nominated politicians. They want new leaders.

New leaders emerge only when powerful, rich, corrupt politicians get disqualified. With fear of disqualification, leaders work for national development. People should have power to select the leader and power to disqualify the leader also. Only then real leaders emerge. That is real democracy.

Demand for solutions

All the political parties promise a lot of things before elections. If people like those promises, they vote for the party. Nobody asks how these promises can be met. If anybody asks, there will not be any answer for that.

We should demand the list of problems that the political party likes to solve in their tenure. We should also demand the procedure of how exactly they like to solve the problems. If they don’t know the solution before election, how can they get solution in one day after they win? We should demand solutions to all problems. The solutions to all problems should be manifesto of a political party. Let professionals review those solutions and give their comments. All that information should be available to every citizen. Let the citizens decide which solution they like to have for their problems. News papers and media can show the solutions of political parties and table of their comparisons before elections (like online product comparisons).

Political parties and political leaders should think about problems of people and solutions for them. If a person does not worry about problems of people, that person is not eligible for leadership. A political party should have a solution before promising to solve the problem.

Majority of people get in to trap of promises very easily. One example:

One of the political parties promises free electricity for all. That party gets full majority. First day as minister the head of the party passes the GO of free electricity for all. People are happy that their party kept its promise. Next day power goes off in all homes before news paper reach their homes. When they get news paper, people see the message of the minister. “To recover losses of free electricity we are selling electricity to adjacent states. So there will be 23 hour power-cut per day”. Next day people start agitation to reverse the change. Government promptly agrees for people’s demand and cancel the GO of free electricity. After a week again news comes from government. “There is shortage of electricity in the state. So the unit rate is doubled to control the usage”. The party proudly says, “We kept the promise. Later people changed their choice. We followed people’s choice. Our party is always with the people”.

One party says that it will create jobs. Every year thousands of people retire from their jobs. Those positions should be filled. So every year there will be recruitments. Is the party talking about this refilling as job creation? Or is it really going to create new job opportunities to solve unemployment problem?

One party says, “We improved literacy rate from 47% to 48% in 5 years”. People, who do not know that the adjacent state has 95% literacy rate, take it as a great thing that this party has done. What exactly the party has done to improve? Nothing! The percentage got changed because of growth in population.

False promises, impossible promises and promises without solutions trap poor people and gain votes. Poor people remain poor forever to get in to their trap again and again. The literates, the professionals, the knowledgeable should make others aware of these traps. We should make them aware of how they are losing their rights because of wrong choices. We should make poor people aware of how they are looted for 5 years by giving money on Election Day.

Many of us are spending lot of time, money and effort to improve a small part of our nation. With wrong leaders all our efforts are going waste. We should spend our efforts in selecting proper leaders. When leaders try to develop the country, our efforts add value to that development. When leaders try to loot the country, our efforts help them. So electing proper leaders is a must and very urgent to have any development in the country.

To elect a proper leader, we should make every citizen aware of complete biodata of each and every politician along with their future plans on how they like to develop the country. In this communication era, sharing the information with all is not a big task. But collecting true data is a challenging task.

We should bring poor people out of thinking of short term self benefits. We should teach them to select the solutions that benefit majority of poor people. We should teach them how national development helps them and improves their life. If farmers always vote the party that gives loans to them, their overall life will never improve. We should show them how other developments of the country improve their life. With these teachings people will have global thinking. Then they can support the solutions that give real national development. Currently that global thinking is not there. That’s why people protest when new industry starts or when a new technology is adapted. They see only loss of 100 jobs or loss of 100 acres of land. They don’t see the benefits that people get with the change.

Concept of minimum support

To declare a contestant as winner, he/she should get at least 45% of votes. Just gaining more votes than all other contestants should not make the person winner.

Assume that there are 10 contestants in a region. Each one of them earns around 10% of votes. One of them got couple of votes more than all others. That person becomes leader. How many people are supporting the leader? It is only 10%. That means that 90% of people are opposing the leader. What development is possible when 90% of people are opposing? Some contestants nominate just to check their luck. By chance if the person gets one vote more than all others, he/she will rule the region for 5 years. As number of contestants increase, the luck factor increases. So leaders are getting selected by their luck, not by people’s choice. If a leader has at least 50% of support, the leader can fight for development of that region. When there is 90% opposition, how can we call the person a leader? When all these lucky winners join together and form a government, 90% of population will be opposing the government. If every decision of government is opposed, is there any point in having a government?

So we need to filter leaders that are not having enough support at local level. If none of the contestants get the minimum required votes, none of them is a winner. Disqualify lowest vote earning contestants and call for fresh nominations. Set a minimum support of 10% to qualify politician to contest again in election. If a contestant earns less than 10% of votes, he/she will be disqualified from elections. When leaders with enough support form a government, the government will have enough support countrywide.

Another point that we need to consider is percentage of collected votes. If less than 50% of citizens come to vote then there is some problem in that region. Enquiry is required to understand the problem before declaring the winner or before conducting elections again. If required, presidential rule can be implemented till the problem is solved.

If an illiterate does business, he will do only business. Business means gaining profits. An illiterate thinks only about earning profits from his business. The other parts of business will be missing, like profit sharing and social responsibility. He never gives bonus and never increases salary of his employees when profits increase.

Similarly if an illiterate politician becomes leader, he will just rule the country, nothing else. A knowledgeable leader can understand the nature, changes in the world, new technologies, etc. So there is possibility of development. An illiterate without broader thinking cannot improve the lives of people. So, minimum educational qualification has to be made mandatory for every political leader.



What is poor? What is rich? Who is a poor person? If a person earns Rs.1000/ day, is he rich? Some other person earns Rs.100/day; can we call him poor? Are poor and rich relative? How can we say that one person is rich? What are the parameters to decide whether a person is rich or poor? First of all, it depends on his/her earnings. How much is his/her earning per day or per month or per year? How much is his/her spending? Whenever earnings are more than spending then that person is a rich person because that person can save some amount every month. Whenever earnings are less than or equal to spending then that person is a poor person. A poor person needs to reduce his/her spending or increase earnings for comfortable living.

When a healthy person can work and earn his food, how can he become poor? What are the things that are making him poor? The important thing that is making him poor is dependents. Even though a person’s earnings are reasonable, if he is having many dependents the person’s expenditure increases and he becomes poor.

Who are a person’s dependents? His parents, if the person is married then the person’s spouse (in case the spouse is not earning) and children (if any) are the main dependents. While taking care of all his dependents, if his spending is more than or equal to his earnings then he is a poor person.

To become rich, he has two options:

  1. Increase earnings
  2. Decrease spending

For increasing earnings, he has to do more work, work for more time, gain more knowledge, improve and utilize talents. For decreasing spending, he has to reduce/avoid unnecessary expenses and fancy spending. He has to review his expenses. Maximum spending is on dependents. Most costly items on any person’s expense list are education (for children or for self) and medical expenses (this could be for the children, parents, spouse or for himself/herself).  Other major part of expenses includes purchase of luxury items (here luxury items are the ones without which one can live), transportation, festivals and functions, hobby or habits. By looking at all these, a person has to identify which items of his expense list are avoidable or at least reducible. He slowly needs to reduce these expenses to increase his savings.

Even if a person is earning Rs.100/day and his spending is less than that, the person is rich person. After a period of time, that person will have some money which can be used as capital for starting a small business or to cover his future requirements. If a person is earning 200 or 500 per day and his spending is more than or equal to that, that person is poor. If he does not earn for one day, he won’t get food for that day because there is no saving.

Definition of rich and poor: If a person earns more than he spends then that person is a rich person. If a person earns less than or equal to his expenses then that person is a poor person.

With this definition, now we see why there are poor people in this country.

When government is spending huge amount of money for poor people every year, why is the number of poor people in this country not reducing? Government is making lot of policies and schemes to make poor people’s life better; it is facilitating self employment which will help poor people to earn on their own by giving free land, homes, loans, etc. Every year the government claims that it is bringing many people out of poverty. That means it is making poor people rich. Then why today, after many decades, we have so many poor people?

Every year if the government brings few lakh (100,000) families out of poverty, then after 60 years of independence we should have covered most of the poor families. But the numbers are more or less same compared to last decade or few decades earlier or before independence. Along with government, many NGOs are also spending huge amount of money and working for betterment of poor people and poor children. Even then we could not reduce the number of poor people in this country by 50% or even by 25%. What is the problem? What is happening there?

When government spends some money, it spends the money over whole country. With this it covers 5% or 10% of people one way or the other. It plans to cover another 5% in next year. But by the time next year plan comes, the people who got benefits this year will consume what they got and comes back as poor people because there is no tracking and there is no proper verification. So every year more or less same people are getting benefits or there may be fake poor people as many scams are happening every year.

How to tackle this problem? People are paying taxes, government is showing huge budget and NGOs are spending so much, even then there is no much improvement in the country and no reduction in number of poor people. If it goes the same way, after 100 years or after 1000 years, we will have same number of poor people or more.

The problem is the way government is handling the problem and the way government is spending money for policies. When government can give benefits to 1000 poor people a year, it selects 1000 people from all over the country. So in records 1000 people got benefited. Next year again it gives benefit to 1000 people. Is it tracking whether some of the last year’s people are repeated? If not last year, 5 years ago or 10 years ago that person might have taken government benefits as a poor person. Without tracking it properly, government can never cover all poor people. Some people get benefits repeatedly and others never get anything. If the person who is distributing government’s money is not a sincere person, he/she may be giving fake list or giving the list of his/her relatives always. If government is not verifying, this process continues forever. Poor people never get anything. If this continues, government will be spending lot of money but there will not be any improvement in the country. To reduce poor people or to give benefits to poor people, it should be done in a systematic way.

Solution for this is: if the government plans any scheme for betterment of poor people, it should be done for a section or a village or an area. If it has bigger budget, it can cover more villages. Whenever it selects a village, it should cover complete village. It should not do it for parts of many villages. If government shows reasonable income source for all citizens of a village, there won’t be any poor people in the village in future. So government need not to apply those schemes for that village in future. If government can cover many villages same way in one year, all those villages can be labelled as developed villages and they will be removed from this type of schemes in the future. Only in this way, one day in future, we can say that all villages in the country are developed and there are no poor people in the country. That day can come after 20 years, after 50 years or even after 100 years. Once we achieve that, government need not spend money for poor people any more. The full budget can be utilized for advancement of whole country. Lot of developments are possible if full budget is available. The budget itself will grow as number of tax-payers increase. I have taken village as an example. It can be slums in city. When we tackle problem of slums, we should cover all slums in a city at once and label that city as No-slum-city. If we handle one part of the city at a time then the process never ends.

How to make poor people rich? There are many ways to make poor people rich.

  1. Increase income: After a person takes benefits from the government, that person should not depend on government again. That is how government should plan policies or schemes. The government’s scheme should make a person or a family capable of earning income on their own such that they will not depend on government or others in future. It should show some way to earn more income than expenditure. It can be done by training them, teaching new skills, identifying their skills and showing matching employment or business, creating local employment, providing capital fund, etc. Once they start earning on their own, they are rich. They can take care of themselves.
  2. Reduce expenditure: The other way of making them rich is by removing/reducing their expenditure. There are many ways to reduce their expenditure. Their expenditure includes food grains, other food items, cooking gas, electricity, transportation, etc. Let government take care of these necessities for poor people, may be up to some extent, like giving subsidy, setting limits (Ex: Up to so many units of electricity free), giving low cost bus passes, etc, so that their expenditure becomes less than their earnings. And they become rich. But this way, government needs to pay every year. So this is not a best solution.
  3. Increase income and reduce expenditure: Follow both (1) and (2). But the subsidy will be given only for few years till they stabilize on their income. Reduce or stop subsidy after few years depending on their income source.
  4. Reduce dependencies or dependants: This is very important way of reducing poverty and developing country. Lot of thinking has to be done here. Because government has to do lot of things to make it happen. Now we see who the dependants of a person are and what to do with them.
    1. First of all, his/her parents, who cannot earn on their own. Health problems of old people will be major expenditure of care takers. For very poor people, providing food and shelter to old parents is also a problem. Slum dwellers cannot provide proper shelter to all their dependents. If governments can take care of old people, some part of expenditure of poor people will reduce.
    2. Next major dependents are children, their education, their health and many things. This is one place where government can do many things. If the family is very poor, government can take care of the children completely. Otherwise, depending on their income level, government can support part of their expenditure like children food, books, health insurance, etc.
    3. Another type of dependent is disabled person(s) in the family. In this there are two types: (a) Those who can take care of themselves. If children are there in this category, they can be treated as other normal children. If they are adults, then we can provide some way of employment and subsidies so that they can earn on their own and live on their own. As they can take care of themselves, they can take care of their expenditure if suitable employment or business is given. (b) Second category is those who cannot take care of themselves. The family will have extra burden if this type of disabled persons are there in the family because one person gets locked to take care of disabled person. Earning ability of care taker comes down. Here government can take care of these disabled people completely. We can have special schools for them, special homes for them. Depending on their disability and age, we can have different homes. If a poor family cannot afford to take care of disabled children or relatives, they can send them to these special homes. There disabled people get food, medicines, shelter and required care.
    4. Another type of dependent is a sick person or a person with some disease. There are many hospitals that give free treatment. There are government hospitals and many other hospitals run by NGOs. Government can provide proper information to poor people about all hospitals and the options of treatments available, depending on the disease. It can setup a helpdesk with toll free number for all types of enquiries. So that people can find best affordable option for their treatment, depending on their location, disease and severity.
    5. There are special cases like death of the only earning person in a family. These situations need to be handled case by case basis.
    6. The common dependent of all rich and poor people is beggar. There are many social problems because of beggars. Even if you decide not to give money, sometimes to avoid their nuisance or for some other reason you pay beggars. Many sensitive poor people lose their hard earned money to beggars. There are many other problems also because of beggars. We will discuss them later.

In one of the many ways, by increasing income or by reducing expenditure, government can make a poor person rich. After that the person can take care of his/her family without depending on government.
I like to discuss about old people and children in more detail, not as dependants of an earning person. Government can do a lot to these people and gain much more from them in long run.

Old people or senior citizens

There are people who send their old parents out of their house because they cannot take care or they don’t want to take care. This is extreme case, happens very rarely. But most of the poor people are struggling to take care of old parents, children and themselves with their very low income. They are not able to see any other option to decrease their expenditure or to increase income. This is where government or NGOs can come forward and take some burden from poor people.

Create old-age homes in all parts of the country. Invite old people to come and join the homes. Old-age homes should be better than a poor person’s house. Senior citizens should feel that they are in a better place and they have right to live comfortable life. They should feel relaxed after so many years of their hard work, their contribution to their family, society and nation. At the same time they need to have many activities depending on their physical capabilities. As senior citizens are talented and the most experienced people of the country, they can contribute in a large scale for betterment or development of the country.

Our country is not fully developed even today when the whole world is advancing so fast because we are not utilizing talent, because we are not utilizing experience, because we are not utilizing senior citizens. Huge experience and talent is getting wasted. Senior citizens are having maximum experience. If they are brought together, they can make wonders. Earlier days, in our country, we used to have “Vaana prastha aasramam”. That is a stage in life where senior citizens dedicate their time (and their life) for social service or for teaching. To enter this stage, they come out of all responsibilities of family life (gruhastha aasramam) and they were available completely for society or nation. Those people were respected everywhere. They eat fruits or beg for food from local people. So they were free to move to any location without worrying about their food and accommodation. Their only job was to teach, train or develop local people. That is how the knowledge and experience used to flow to younger generation.

Thousands of years ago when there was no concept of writing and reading, people used to take Vaana prastha aasramam as responsibility of their life. That’s how India had sustained and grown its knowledge over so many generations.

Now, at present, in this so called high-tech world, poor senior citizens are searching for food. Most of rich senior citizens are relaxing. The knowledge stopped flowing to the younger generations. For learning something, a student is paying large amount of money when so many senior citizens with that experience are available in the country unutilized. A brainstorming session of few junior engineers for an hour generates lot of ideas. Just imagine how many innovative ideas can be generated by a group of seniors each with about 40 years of experience and how many world problems can be solved easily. About 20% of population is with more than 60 years of age. So there is no question of shortage of experience. Please don’t consider only highly educated people as experienced. That is a major mistake people make. Experience is the duration you have worked. Number of years of education is not considered as experience. Illiterate people also worked for so many years. Hence they also have same level of experience. Frankly speaking, they gain more experience than highly educated people because when educated person was studying the illiterate was working. A farmer or a mechanic has many years of practical knowledge and practical experience. That person might have handled many practical problems which were not recorded in our books yet.

When there is so much of man/mind power with highest experience, why are we not utilizing? That is because we are not able to bring them together. Old-age home is an opportunity for country to bring talent together. Bring all poor senior citizens to old-age homes and provide better facilities or environment than their own house. With these many talented people coming together, we can utilize their talents without giving them much of physical or mental strain. If this movement starts, rich senior citizens will also join them slowly because they will be searching for opportunity to discuss. Once they find a common place for gathering, number of participants will increase. Later they can have planned activities, planned gatherings for discussing about problems.

With the latest technologies there is a risk of losing knowledge. With huge storage spaces we are dumping all the information in hard-discs and cleaning our brains. We are depending on internet more and more day by day. When we need a file we are searching in internet without searching in our own laptop. When we need a simple addition we are using calculator without using our mind. A day will come, when somebody will ask your name and you will be reading your name from mobile phone. If all electronic storages get destroyed, we will not know even how to make our food. Apart from storing the knowledge in electronic memory, there is a need for knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer. Our ancestors kept knowledge alive across many generations without any storage requirement. The electronic storage is required because the knowledge has grown exponentially in last few decades. All that information can be stored only in electronic memory. But the basic knowledge and the fundamental science has to be stored in human memory to give better future for next generation. That is possible by bringing senior citizens together and utilizing their talents.

Developing old-age homes is best way to take care of poor old people. This reduces expenditure of poor young people. Government or the nation gains a lot by utilizing their talents in better way.

The following are a few things that senior citizens can do without much of physical strain while living in old-age homes.

  1. They can go to government schools and deliver lectures or take classes on general topics. The topics can cover anything that is useful for a child. Examples: Daily activities of a child (brush, bath, etc), hygiene practices, common diseases and prevention, nutrient values of vegetables, fruits and other food items, value of yoga and exercises, value of education, value of trees, problems with pollution, problems caused by wasting natural resources like water and fuel, triggering innovative thinking and so on.
  2. They can work for vegetation, gardening, etc. Or they can help in planning and monitoring vegetation and farming work.
  3. In-house product development. They can involve in planning and making of small products that can be sold in local markets.
  4. They can work as consultant or as advisor in their own field. Outsiders can contact them when they need senior person’s help/advice.
  5. Groups of senior citizens can do brainstorming to find better solutions for local, national or international problems.
  6. They can write books about their experiences. They can even publish papers with their practical knowledge.
  7. They can review all new policies of government and prepare a document with pros and cons of the policy. That document can be submitted to government or to public interest organizations to refine the policy so that people will have more positive effects.
  8. Senior citizens with similar interests or similar talents can be grouped. Lot of inventions are possible if a group of talented senior people discuss about something for a long period of time. If one invention is successful, they can financially support all old-age homes in the country.
  9. They can give free training in latest technologies to poor students
  10. With large number of senior citizens and broad diversity of knowledge, every problem can be seen from all directions. Obtaining a solution becomes very simple task for them.

As they are the most experienced citizens of the country, there is no limit on what they can do. They need food, shelter and medicine (if required). More than these, they expect dignity. Respect them as experienced people, not as physically incapable old people. The country which respects talent and experience develops.

When a person cannot take care of parents financially, the person can send their parents to old-age homes. Here the feeling should be: he/she is sending parents to a better and respectable place than his/her own house. The old parents also think that they can reduce their child’s financial burden by going to an old-age home.


Though people feel that they need to take care of their children, there are poor families that cannot take care of their children. They cannot provide proper food, education or medication. These families send the children for work at very young age and create child labour. Because these people cannot earn enough, they put financial burden on young children. That is how child labour starts.

There are many orphans. In most of the cases, we will not know how they have become orphans. That is again because of poverty. Some poor people are simply leaving children cruelly because they cannot take care of extra child. Whether they keep child and don’t provide food or leave the child, both are same. Beggar created orphans are also there. (We will discuss that in next section.) Some of the orphans are becoming child labourers. Hunger can make a person do anything. If these orphans fall in to hands of criminals, they become criminals.

This is a place where government has to act. It has to take care of orphans and poor children. It can start orphanage homes or child care homes. Give food, shelter and education. Find all orphans and street children and bring them to orphanage homes/child care homes. If a poor family cannot take care of their children, give them right to send their children to orphanage/child care home. Let orphanage/child care homes take care of those children and make them better people. This is a big opportunity for government to develop the nation.

Orphans are the free children who are really required for the nation. For these children, there is no mad pressure from their parents to become something without understanding the child’s interests and abilities. Now-a-days parents are forcing children to study what parents like. They are not worried about the child’s interests and talents. Some parents rub their childhood dreams on children. Some parents rub market trend on children. Some parents force children to take their family business or the business that they think is profitable. Many children are studying only for competitive exams. Starting from elementary school, students are preparing only for the entrance test they need to take after 10 years. All their subjects, books and teachers are customized for the entrance test. Long hours of study and no time to play is killing child’s ability to learn. When the child reaches 20 years of age, he/she knows nothing but the questions of the competitive exam. When a new technology comes up with high salaries, all parents force their children to get in to that technology and make them get degree and job in that area legally or illegally. In this process, the child’s interests, talents, aspirations and goals are all crushed. When all opportunities of achieving life’s goal vanish, the child (an employee now) loses interest in work and then in life. This will not happen with an orphan. Orphan is an independent person. Given an opportunity and suitable environment, an orphan child can make wonders.

In orphanage homes, teach all subjects, teach everything. When a child develops interest and talents in a subject, encourage the child to study more in that subject. If children get interest in a subject, they learn a lot very fast. If the talent improves, the child can take that subject as specialization and as profession later. If the interest and profession matches, the person can make wonders. There is nobody to force an orphan child to move out from interesting field. So each orphan child can become a specialist in his/her field.

At orphanage homes, we can seed patriotism in the younger minds. Let the knowledge grow on top of it. We can keep the environment with all positive thinking about the nation. If patriotism stabilizes in a younger mind, the person can never get in to corruption and can never harm the country. They will be the true soldiers of the country. They can do lot of things for the country. This is possible only with orphan children or free children. Other children are busy with their next competitive exam. They are not having time to think about country and about their life also.

Some of the current orphanages are feeding religion and helplessness in to the young minds. Please don’t do it. Please don’t force religion in to these children’s mind at this age. We don’t have control over other children because they get religion from their parents. Orphans are religion-less pure citizens. Please don’t pollute them. Let them live unbiased. Let them have freedom to live without religion or to select any religion.

Instead of giving benefits to poor parents in the name of children, take care of children completely and help them to grow as powerful citizens. Take all orphans and very poor children, label them as government children and give them better education and better facilities than that of private schools.

This is not just to help poor people. It is very important and necessary step for government because hunger can make a person do anything. Most of the criminals, anti-social bodies and even terrorists were hungry people once up on a time. The criminal leaders gather hungry children, feed them, train them and turn them against the society. If government can take care of all hungry children, there won’t be criminals in the future. Instead there will be many real patriots and soldiers in the society. “When immune power increases bacterial attacks decrease”. When patriots increase in society criminals and criminal attacks decrease automatically.


When a construction worker is working for a building construction, he/she gets wage. Because of that work, the building owner gets more than what he pays. For his earnings, the owner pays tax. That means government gets money as tax because of the work done by the labourer. The tax will be utilized for national development. That means the work done by a labourer indirectly helps the nation to grow. The effort spent by labourer, worker or employee of any company helps the country to grow. If we do any work, that should help an individual or an organization. Otherwise that effort is waste.

The effort spent by a beggar is not helping anybody. The beggars take the hard-earned money of tax payers and poor people. If a beggar does some other work for earning same amount of money then that effort helps country. Just begging without helping anybody or without helping society is waste of effort. That should be avoided. Beggars are not poor, they are lazy.

When government takes care of senior citizens, children and providing free medication for poor people, every person in the country can earn more than his/her basic needs. That means every person is rich. In this environment and in this country beggars are not expected.

Begging as a healthy person does not yield much returns for a beggar. So the beggars find many ways to win over kindness of people. Sometimes the acts of beggars are very cruel. The helpless people, who cannot stop that cruelty, just pay money and go. The cruelest thing that I had seen was a woman standing in the middle of the traffic with an infant, in hot sun and heavy pollution. She was busy collecting money and not caring for the baby’s cry.

Beggars steal babies. This is a major crime where police cannot catch the criminal. Beggars use these babies for begging purpose. If a baby starts walking, the baby starts begging. As long as the child gives the earning to the elders, the child gets shelter with them. If the child starts using the money, that child is thrown out. From that day, the child is street-child or orphan. There are criminal groups waiting for these children and the child grows as a criminal.

Criminals create criminals. Beggars create both beggars and criminals.

Beggars are the people who can go to any place in the country including prohibited areas without having identity cards, passports or anything to identify them. We cannot know whether they are foreigners. We cannot track their history of activities and where they used to live. If they have a bag and a bowl, they are identified as beggars. Security people won’t catch and question them. If at all security finds a beggar in wrong place, beggar is simply sent out from that place. Usually suspicion of bomb installation also won’t come to security’s mind. If a person dresses like a beggar, he/she can go to any place, do whatever is required and come back freely. Usually police will not arrest beggars because of the assumption that beggars commit crimes to get free jail food. Criminals live like beggars and do all the planning as they can live on roads, near banks or any place they like. Police cannot suspect beggars as criminals until they commit crime. Criminals hide in beggar skin and beggars become criminals.

Ban beggars in the country. If begging is banned then they will become poor people. Take care of them as poor people, show them opportunities and make them rich. If they don’t want to work and earn and they just want to beg, throw them out. Country does not need beggars.

Advantages of making people rich

When government is showing employment or some way of earning more, taking care of dependents and showing options for free medication, every person becomes rich. A rich person will not become poor in life time. A rich person’s family and next generation also lives rich, never become poor because the next generation learns more and earns more.

What happens if everybody becomes rich? What are the advantages?

First of all we discuss the disadvantages of being poor or having many poor people. Let’s assume that there is a village with many poor people. Also there are few rich people living in that village. Suppose a rich person wants a service which normally costs 100 rupees. He would go to the place where poor people live and ask for that service. One poor person says it will cost 100 rupees. Before the rich person opens his mouth, another poor person shouts, “Take my service, I charge only 90 rupees”. Others reduce the rate further. Within few minutes the rate of service reduced to 10 rupees. The rich person agrees to that and takes the service.

There is competition among poor people. A hungry person thinks that getting 10 rupees is better than nothing. Hunger does not allow him to think about loss of 90 rupees or about the other people who are also hungry. So if there are many poor people living in an area, their earnings will always go down. They can never become rich.

Assume that all those poor people are having enough food. In that case, they would not have reduced the service charge.  Instead they would have waited for another customer who could pay full service charge. They would have thought about group sharing. Some of them would have moved to another location or another job to come out of the heavy competition.

Hungry person thinks about short term or for that day. A rich person thinks about long term business and uses his asserts for long term benefits.

If rich people stop competing with poor people, poor people get many opportunities and they grow faster. As we start converting poor to rich, the competition at poor people level reduces, costs of services increase, gives more opportunities and income for remaining poor people which in turn makes them rich. Quality of life improves; health of individuals improves that in turn improves quality of society.


Population control

This article gives simple solutions to reduce child mortality rate, to reduce maternal mortality rate, to reduce number of malnourished children and to control population.

Controlling population should be done in a very positive way. In democratic country like India, putting strict rules to restrict number of children will not work. With a large ancient history, these types of rules are treated as sin. So this problem has to be handled indirectly. We should make people think on their own to have less number of children.

Let government decide how many children a couple can have. It is two per couple in India. Give maximum benefits for first two children and don’t give any benefits for other children. This process of giving benefits is active from the day pregnancy is confirmed till the child completes 5 years.

The benefits that need to be given to mother and child are as follows:

  • For mother, full free medical treatment and nutritious food for complete duration of the pregnancy and 2 years after the delivery.
  • Free bus-pass for mother and an escort for complete duration of the pregnancy and 1 year after the delivery.
  • For the child, full free medical treatment and nutritious food for first 5 years.
  • The registered women get higher priority of medical care at government hospitals.
  • Poor women with gynaecological problem can have special treatment for free before pregnancy.

Rules of the policy

  • A woman can register maximum two times for this benefit.
  • These benefits are applicable only for first two children. If a woman is already having two or more children, she cannot register for these benefits. If a woman has one child, she can take the benefit only for the next child even if she had not utilized the benefit earlier.
  • It has to be decided whether to take the benefit for the current child in first 4 months of pregnancy. This is to avoid abortion after sex determination. After registering for this policy, she loses benefits if the pregnancy is aborted unless because of medical problem. If she waits till the sex determination, she cannot register for the benefits for the current child.
  • There is special consideration of abortion because of medical problem.

These benefits should be applicable to all women irrespective of their economical status (poor or rich). Rich people may not utilize government benefits but they should be offered. With this offer, middle class women also will be benefitted. The process becomes simple as government need not have extra check for economical status.

Benefits to government/country with this policy enforcement:

  • Faster population control. In future, if further population reduction is required, the policy can be made to have single child per couple. People will adopt/accept the policy easily.
  • Reduction in number of malnourished children. Children will grow with strong body and mind. When the children go for education, they can learn effectively. Even if they do not go to school, they will be strong enough to earn their food.
  • After 20 years, they will be strong young citizens with high productivity. They can take care of their family. Number of poor people reduces and burden on government will also reduce. Otherwise, malnourished children will grow as weak bodies with low productivity and they will live as poor for whole life.
  • Poor young women get respect. As all their expenses are taken care by the government, they may get choice of not working in the critical period of pregnancy.
  • Though the bus-pass is given for hospital visits and for work, the poor women can utilize that for visiting parents or other places. The poorest women never cross the village in their life time. The free bus-pass gives opportunity for the poorest woman to visit few tourist places along with her husband. The concept of “She taking her husband to tourist places” gives more value and respect for the women.
  • Reduction in number of abortions after sex determination that reduces gender discrimination
  • Reduction in child mortality rate
  • Reduction in maternal mortality rate

After reading about this process, one question comes in everyone’s mind. People are having children without these benefits now. With this process, they will have 2 children with benefits and then they can have more children with their own cost. How can you say that it will control population?

That is how human mind works. If you are used to get benefits for a particular work and on one day the benefits are stopped suddenly, you feel like avoiding the work. Before the benefits were started, you were doing the work faithfully. In-between you have seen the taste of benefits. So you start demanding benefits for your work. That is how corruption has started.

I will give you one example. One day a person called X goes to his relative’s house. After some time, lot of shouting and abuses are heard from outside. X asks relative about that. The relative says that they are college students who daily come and shout here. We don’t want to fight with them that’s why keeping quite. X gets an idea, goes out from other door. He meets those students as if he came from outside. He tells the students, “Thank you for abusing them. I am very angry with them.  As I am a known person, I cannot shout at them. From today onwards, I will pay you for shouting at them. You please come daily at this time, shout at them and take money”. He gives 100 rupees to them and leaves. The students are very happy. Next day also he comes and gives them 100 rupees. After 4 days, he comes and tells the students, “Dear friends, I cannot pay you anymore. But I am still angry with them. Please continue shouting at them daily as you were doing earlier”. The students say, “Why should we shout to cool your angry. We will shout only if you pay us. Otherwise we will never come here”. X requests them again “Please do it without money”. The students said, “No” and left from there.

Government can also create similar scenario. It can say, “Children are for the country’s future. That’s why we like to take care of them”. Once people start feeling that they are having children to support the country, they can demand benefits. After enjoying benefits two times, the lack of benefits for third child will show a lot of difference.  In parallel, other campaigns will be there to show why having single or double children is better for their family. Poor people feel a major difference between having benefits and not having benefits. Like the fox and sour grapes story, poor people will start thinking why to have more children without benefits now and extra burden later, better to live happily with two children.

To get this result, all benefits should be valuable and accessible to all. Then only they feel the real difference of having benefits.


Polio Treatment

We have a simple, natural and effective treatment for post polio residual paralysis which can enhance the strength and control of muscles, joints and nerves of the affected limbs. This proven treatment guarantees improvement in polio affected limbs without surgery and medicines.

The world has almost reached the target of “Eradicating polio virus”. But it may take one more century to come out of the sights of after-effects of polio if we don’t treat post polio residual paralysis.


Observation based research is done on a polio affected leg for more than 30 years. The research is done to find out exactly what happens in a polio affected leg from the time polio virus attacks a child and till overall growth of the child stops. All the changes in the muscles including pain, weakness, numbness, strength, growth and ability/inability to move are observed carefully and their causes are analysed every time. Huge repetition of changes and their causes in 30 years (10000 days) has helped to derive the cause-effect theory (treatment) of polio (post polio residual paralysis).

Experiments (polio treatment) are done on polio affected leg of a 35 years adult. Hip and knee joints of the leg were affected by polio (poliomyelitis) at age of 3. As this treatment involves only simple movements, meditation is used to observe nerve activity in the leg and other connected body parts. Effect of treatment on each muscle is felt inside daily and results are seen visually after treatment.

The following tables show results of 4 years of polio treatment. The muscle strength is measured on a scale of 5 according to Muscle Strength Grading Scale as follows:

Muscle strength Description
0 No contraction
1 Visible/palpable muscle contraction but no movement
2 Movement with gravity eliminated
3 Movement against gravity only
4 Movement against gravity with some resistance
5 Movement against gravity with full resistance

Changes in muscle strength

Muscle description Muscle strength earlier Muscle strength after 4 years
Hip joint: Front muscle 2 4
Hip joint: Outside muscle 2 4
Hip joint: Inside muscle 2 3
Hip joint: Back muscle 2 3
Knee joint: Front muscle – Sitting position 0 2
Knee joint: Front muscle – Standing position 0 3
Knee joint: Front muscle – Sleeping position 0 1
Knee joint: Back muscle – Sitting position 3 4
Knee joint: Back muscle – Standing position 3 4
Knee joint: Back muscle – Sleeping position 3 4

Muscle growth

Muscle description Earlier After 4 years
Calf circumference 25cm 28cm
Thigh circumference 26cm 42cm
Behind hip joint X X+20cm


In the above treatment, there are multiple 3 to 6 months of planned gaps in the treatment to observe what happens when treatment is stopped. The results are extraordinary. When a muscle is treated till its corresponding nerve is activated, it (the muscle) grows in size and strength without further treatment.

The above results can be achieved in 2 years if continuous treatment is given without gaps.

The approach

The treatment is completely a natural process. It uses only Yoga techniques. Surgery and medicines are not used. It takes few months for the patient to feel reasonable change. It takes about a year or two to show significant visual difference depending on the effort spent.

The treatment involves 3 steps:

  1. Reverse posture technique

The active joints and muscles of a disabled person are at high risk of early wear out because of the imbalance of the body. Yoga defines reverse posture for every posture and movement of all the joints. These reverse postures reduce strain caused by the actual postures.

In this step, we identify all the postures and affected joints of disabled person while sitting, standing, sleeping and moving. And define a set of reverse postures for each joint. The patient is supposed to stay in reverse posture whenever possible or at a predefined interval.

This step is very important for all humans (able or disabled) to reduce wear out of joints.

  1. Stimulating active or live muscles surrounding the disabled joint

When a major muscle of a joint is disabled, the person stops using the joint or putting pressure on the joint. With long inactivity of the joint, all the muscles surrounding the joint never contract thereby lacking blood flow and nutrients. These muscles become very weak and unusable.

In this step, we do simple exercises consciously to increase blood flow and nutrients to the weak muscles.

  1. Stimulating disabled muscles and nerves

After achieving enough strength for surrounding muscles in step 2, we do few special exercises for disabled (or so called dead) muscles. Observation/consciousness is very important in this step. Only the patient can feel the minute change. So we encourage the patient to remember and record the movement that gave little change. The movements that caused change drive future exercise plans of the patient. In this step, a conscious nerve activation process is also performed by stimulating the connected muscles.

Scientific view of the treatment

When polio virus attacks a child, it suspends nerves of few joints. It does not kill nerves as medical science believes. It keeps the nerves in suspended state as long as the virus is active. In this period, the muscles that are controlled by these nerves try to contact the nerves. Without response from the nerve for long time, the muscles assume that the nerve is dead. So the muscles never try to contact the nerve again. After the virus activity stops in the body, the nerves remain in suspended state.

With our polio treatment, disabled muscles can be activated with physical activity and suspended nerves can be activated by stimulating the connected muscles. This is observation-based or consciousness-based research. It has worked successfully.


Many types of paralyses can be treated with this technique. Observation-based research can treat many types of disabilities including blindness.

This treatment is given free of cost for all. Volunteers are welcome who like to learn the treatment and help disabled people at other locations.

Core exercises

The following are initial exercises for a person whose one of the legs is affected by polio. Do these exercises for about 15 minutes daily and note down changes or sensations you feel in the leg. Contact Sitaram Naik after you feel some strength in your leg for next level of exercises or if you have any confusion or need clarification.

Knee muscles – Moving front and back

  • Stand on normal leg
  • Pull/Lift calf (below knee) of the polio affected leg backwards as much as possible
  • Leave it free (Let it come back to normal state)
  • Repeat these two steps

Hip muscles – Front

  • Stand on normal leg
  • Lift polio affected leg (thigh bone) upwards as much as possible
  • Leave it free (Let it fall back to normal)
  • Repeat these two steps

Hip muscles – Side

  • Stand on normal leg
  • Lift polio affected leg (full leg) side ways (away from body) as much as possible
  • Leave it free (Let it fall back to normal)
  • Repeat these two steps
  • You can bend your body to allow the leg to raise very high

Plastic waste

Many countries are banning plastic covers and other plastic items. In developing countries like India with large percentage of poor people, it slows down the development. It is giving major impact on small businesses which have very poor people as customers.

Small restaurants pack wet food items in plastic covers if it is delivered out of restaurant. Those plastic covers are of low quality and trashed on first use. There are many reasons why poor people carry food to home and eat. Very poor people when they cannot cook at home, take one pack of meal and whole family shares. Similarly when poor students go to cities or towns for education, they get packaged food and share. Sharing is not possible at restaurants. These small restaurants encourage packaged food without any extra cost because the place is small for many customers to sit, cleaning and maintenance cost is reduced and the cost of plastic covers is low.

Similar packaging happens at big restaurants also. As the cost of food is high, their customers are relatively richer. So for packaging, these restaurants use plastic boxes instead of plastic covers and they charge for those boxes also. Though customers have paid for those boxes and those boxes can be reused, for their economical status, those boxes are trashed same as free covers.

Small shops who sell household items are also facing the problem with plastic cover ban. If a person is going home from work and plans to buy the required items, he expects a cover from the shop. If the shop keeper does not give a cover or insists the customer to buy the cover, poor people reduce their purchases to fit in their hand and pockets or simply goes to another shop. The customers that go to big shops or shopping complexes do not feel the cost of cover as burden.

Use & though low cost plastic covers help small businesses to run smoothly. Ban on thin plastic covers is burden on poor people.

Instead of banning plastic blindly we can think of other solutions till we find alternative for plastic covers.

Usage of plastic is not a problem. Plastic in garbage or trash is the problem. It is better to solve the problem than banning plastic. If the trashed plastic items are used to create a new product, it will have double advantage. One is that plastic is reduced in garbage and the other is new product.

The new product that can be created with waste plastic material is plastic sand. The plastic covers and other plastic items collected from garbage will be used to create plastic sand. Quality of covers or other items is not important. It does not require big machines to create plastic sand.

For completeness, I am giving a simple procedure to create plastic sand. There may be many better solutions to create it.

  1. Melt the plastic (Don’t burn)
  2. Take a big bowl of water
  3. Pour molten plastic in a filter that has many holes of required size
  4. Keep shaking the filter so that plastic comes down as rain drops and falls in to the water
  5. Another person can stir water with a long stick

Advantages of plastic sand

  • Levelling roads: Lot of mud and sand is used for levelling highways. Sometimes these roads sink when there are heavy rains because the mud underneath gets wet and moves. Plastic sand is best for this purpose. Because it won’t allow the road to sink and the waste plastic is permanently buried.
  • Under the flooring tiles: In every building and in every floor, lot of sand is used to level the flooring tiles. Plastic sand can be mixed with normal (stone) sand to level the flooring tiles. With this, lot of valuable sand can be saved and waste plastic can be consumed.
  • Except in concrete and cement, hardened plastic can be used as sand in all the places where sand is used.
  • Water streams on some mountains are cutting the mountain and carrying lot of valuable soil along with them. Molten plastic can be used to save soil of the mountains.

When demand for plastic sand increases, automatically innovative methods come up to collect waste plastic items at door step.


Letter to NGOs

What is the difference between chess game and tic-tac-toe? Thinking about one step is enough for tic-tac-toe but we need to think about all steps till checkmate to succeed in chess game. Most of the NGOs and government policies are wearing thinking hat of a tic-tac-toe player while dealing with poverty and helping poor people though we need thinking hat of a chess player.

Every NGO should think what the end date of their project is. Whatever project you are doing whether it is improving lives of poor people or it is creating employment or developing country, whatever it is, what is the end date for this? The date, after which you need not spend money or time, you need not work anymore and you can confidently say that it is all done. How many years, you think, will it take for you to confidently say that your project is successful? Do you have clear idea of what will happen after you stop this project? What are you planning to achieve after so many years of your work? Can you mark an area on the country map that was completely improved with your service?

Government is spending lot of money every year for poor people. NGOs are also spending lot of money every year. With all this, if we have improved lives of a small percentage of population of poor people every year, by now the percentage should be reasonably high. When we got independence in India, we said 20% of population is poor. Today, after 65 years, we are still saying that 20% of our population is very poor. Where all this money has gone?
Let me do a simple calculation.

Government’s budget is more than 1 lakh crores every year. All NGOs together are also spending about 1 lakh crores (approximate assumption).

Total money spent is 2 lakh crores = 2,00,000,00,00,000 = 2×10^12

20% of Indian population is poor = 20,00,00,000 = 2×10^8

Money spent per head = 2×10^12 / 2×10^8 = 10^4 = 10,000

Average family size of poor people = 5

(Poor families usually have more than 5 people including parents and children)

So, money spent per poor family = 5 x 10,000 = 50,000
Ask any poor person what is the value of 50,000 rupees. Everybody says if they get 50,000 rupees, they can do small business and live happily forever without depending on others. That means with one year’s budget, we can make all poor people rich. We can improve their lives without spending anything further.

For last 65 years, independent Indian government has been spending so much money every year, still keeping the population of poor people constant. With so much money, India would have become super power long back. After so many years, some of the political parties are saying that they will get maximum majority because they are poor people’s party. They should feel shame to say that.

Why are we unable to reduce poverty? Corruption!? No. Corruption is not the only problem. I feel that corruption affects very small part of development. There is some major flaw in the way we are spending money. There is some major mistake in our plan.

Please don’t come to a conclusion that I am asking you to pay money directly. I know that won’t work. If you give money directly, the next day they will spend all the money and become poor again.

Problem: Distributed service

Distributed service is the problem. When we serve sparsely distributed few people of a large area, none of them get full affect or change in life. If we serve all people of a small area, everyone gets the impact and change in life.

Example: You open a school. Give everything required to students free of cost (food, books, cloths, accommodation, etc). You allow students to come from all over the state or a district. You have a limitation on number students you can have in that school. You provide all the facilities for all the students of that school. They get proper education and they may settle in life. What next? Every year new students come and get education. There is no end for this. You cannot say that after 20 years or after 50 years or after 100 years, you can close the school because your service is sparsely distributed.

Every company or organization is doing some level of charity work. Some companies have adopted few schools and supported financially. Assume that the school gives education from 1st to 5th standard. You give proper food and education to those students for 5 years. What is after that? If government can give proper education from 6th standard, then these students can join government schools and proceed further. But that is not the case. These poor students cannot afford to buy books or go to private schools. So they join government schools and they are same as other students from then. So there is no major change because of your charity work.

Assume that you extended your school for education up to 10th standard. Again same question, what is after that? If colleges give free and proper education, that will help students to grow further. Now college education is a major business. Assume that they completed college education. What is after that? Who will give jobs to them? Without proper employment opportunities and with lot of competition, can these poor students get reasonable income source? If they remain unemployed, what difference your charity work has made in their life?

Making few years of a child’s life better is great. Making a child learn more than what he/she can learn with current situation is great. Making a child understand his/her potential is great. But don’t stop there.

If you alone work, you can change few years of lives of few children. If you join hands with many others, you can change lives of few children completely. That is a permanent change.

Government has restrictions. Its financial plan should cover all sectors of the country. But you are free to decide where to spend your money. You have freedom to plan for results.

Solution: Adopt a village

Adopt a village. One organization may not be able to take care of all the problems of a village. If few organizations join hands and adopt a village, they can take care of all problems of the village including education, health, senior citizens, disability, training, employment and so on. Whatever they do, it should cover whole village. Only then, after a certain time, the whole village gets developed.

Regarding children, NGOs should adopt all children of one village. They need to take responsibility of education, food and employment. Children should get all the support for higher studies. They should get exposed to all job opportunities. If some of the children do not get job, training has to be provided in latest technologies till they get job with reasonable income. When a student gets job, automatically family of that student becomes rich.

After a generation (20 years), the new children who get ready for education are rich children because they are children of rich families. They need not go through the process of free food and free education. These rich children can have separate schools or they can join these schools with reasonable charges. Financial burden on organizations starts reducing. The process can be continued forever. But after another generation, the village (or the students) can support the process financially. So it will be self-sufficient or self-sustainable.

On the country map, you can show that this area (village) of the country is having 100% educated citizens and no poverty. In this process, after a certain time (it can be years or decades); whole country will have fully educated rich citizens.

After financial burden reduces on organizations, they can adopt another village. With this process, after 20 years or after 40 years, the children, their families and all future children will enjoy better life forever. These are exit criteria for organizations. After that, organization need not spend money or time for this process. They are free to take up other projects or stop charity. If the new management of organization is interested in some other type of charity in future, they should have exit criteria to come out of current charity work.

There is no guarantee that the charity work continues after the person who has started the work expires. So we should plan to make every project self-sustainable after a period of time.


Letter to individuals

World problems

There are about 100 major problems in the world. If every one of us takes one problem, there will be about 70 million people per problem. If every one of us spend one hour to solve the problem, the effort spent will be about 8000 man years. Is there any problem that cannot be solved after spending 8000 man years of effort?

Take one problem. Think about all aspects of the problem. Think how you can solve the problem. When you get the solution for full or part of the problem, share it with the world. Your solution may not be the best solution. But it is one of the few solutions. Each problem has many facets. None of us can see all facets of the problem. So, none of the solutions will cover complete problem. We need to take union of many solutions to cover and solve complete problem.

Remember the quotation: You never know what you see when you see from other’s point of view.

A facet of the problem that you have seen may not be visible to others. So your solution may be a key to the final solution. Share it.

We should make government depend on intellectuals and professionals for better solutions. Whenever government/nation is in crisis, instead of criticising government, join hands with many intellectuals, do brain storming and come up with a proper solution. Share the solution with all sections of people, collect the comments and improve the solution. Repeat this process as many times as required. Then share the final solution with the government. Listen to their comments and possible issues. After getting approval of many sections of people, making government implement the solution is not a big task.

You have all the powers to change the world. You have all the powers to improve quality of your future. Your every effort is counted.

Your capabilities

If you are a healthy person, you are better than millions of people that are suffering from various diseases.

If you are a blind person, just think what all you can do. You can walk in your house and find everything you need without seeing them. Can a normal person do this by closing his/her eyes? They can argue that if they practice they can also do it. Forget about that. Today, can they do it? No. That means you are better than many millions of people.

A physical handicapped person with polio in one leg can stand on single leg for 10 hours (or few hours). Can a normal person do it? A paralysed person can sleep on bed without any movement for many days. Can a normal person sleep without any movement for one day?

Every person is better than many people in some way or the other. Fish is better in swimming and monkey is better in climbing. Fish should not think that it is worst in climbing trees. Monkey should not think that it could not swim like a fish.

Every person should think about what they have. How to utilize them? Show the world that you can also do something with what you have. Show the world that you are better than many other people in whatever you know.

A person who does not have hands is using leg fingers to write and draw. A normal person cannot hold a pen with leg fingers for few seconds. Use whatever you have to show that you are better than others.

Assume that you cannot move any of your body parts but you can speak. That voice is enough to give solutions to all the problems. Assume that even voice is not there (so-called coma state). Still you can do a lot of things. Use mind power to understand what others are doing and instruct other’s mind to do what you want.

Thinking of “you can do nothing” is wrong. There are infinite things that you can do. You just need to choose what you want to do. You will automatically get all the energy and support you want from your mind.

Take myself as an example

  • I am better than 99% of students of our school in mathematics
  • I am better than whole university in C programming
  • I am better than 7 billion people in this world in treating polio or at least better than all medical professionals who believe that polio cannot be cured
  • I am better than all people who don’t share their ideas with the world

You need not be best in all subjects to be a great student.

You need not solve all problems of the world to be a great person. If you have solved at least one problem that others did not solve, you are a great person.

You need not have great ideas to share. The idea which you feel that works is enough.

I respect you because you are better than many other people. Do you respect yourself? Think about it. You are better, you are great and you know it. So you need to respect yourself. That is called self-respect.

Now you respect yourself. So you do something for you. Do exercises to be active and healthy. Cure your diseases and reduce laziness. Concentrate on your work so that you do it right at first time and save time. When you are active, healthy and conscious, you save a lot of time every day. You can use that time for yourself, your loved-ones and society also. When you get more time, you can do better work and more work without getting tired. That directly gives you more income and also gives you more opportunities to help others.

This is your world. You need to make it better. Then you will live in a better world. When you help your family member or your friend or a stranger or a nation or the nature, everything directly or indirectly helps you to live better.


Learn learning

This article is in (Indian) Telugu language.

nenu trekking ku vellinappudu rojuku 20 KMs nadichevaanni. evening ku nenu fresh gaa undevaanni. andharu rest theesukuntunte, nenu alaa velli akkadakkada cheekati pade dhaaka anni choosukoni vachchevaanni. alaa 10 days nadichaanu. eppudu tired avaledhu. vellina 20 members lo 15 members roju tired ayyevaallu. memu cherina 2 hours tharvaatha vaallu chinnagaa vachchevaallu. memu 5 members (including guide) eppudu alisipokunda mundhu undevaallam. mari aa 15 members endhuku alisipoyevaallu? vaallalo naakanna balam gaa undevaallu unnaaru, roju games aadevaallu koodaa unnaaru. mari endhuku roju alisipothunnaaru?

mugguru friends roju kalisi college ku velathaaru. oka roju alaane veluthunte, okadi chethilo unna papers krindha padipothayi. vaadu anni papers theesukoni choosetappatiki vere iddharu koncham mundhuku vellipoyiuntaaru. parigetthi velli kalusukune antha chinnapillalu kaadhu kaabatti veedu normal gaane nadusthoo velathaadu. mundhu vellina iddharu college cherina koddhisepatiki moodo vaadu cherathaadu. ippudu muggurilo evaru ekkuva alisipoyaaru? venaka unnavaadu ekkuva alisipothaadu. endhuku? physical gaa mugguru same effort pedathaaru. kaani mundhu vaallu relaxed gaa nadusthaaru. venaka vaadi mind busy gaa untundhi. vallu chaalaa mundhu vellipoyaaru, koncham fast gaa velli kalusukunte baaguntundhi, vaallu nannu vedhili vellipoyaaru, nenu venakapadi poyaanu, aa papers padakundaa unte baagundedhi, aa lecturer papers themmannaadu andhuke idhanthaa ayyindhi… alaa anni aalochisthu, kopam, visugu laanti feelings tho nadusthu unte mind & body rendu tired avuthaayi. veedu visuggaa unte choose vaallaku, mundhu vellina vaallaku silly gaa anipisthundhi.

nuvvu classmates tho kalisi edhainaa tourist place vellaavanuko. akkada guide anni choopisthu explain chesthuntaadu. group mottham athanni follow avuthoo undhi. ippudu 3 cases chooddhaam:

  1. nuvvu group kante venaka vunnaavu: edho baaga unte koncham ekkuva sepu choosthoo nilabaddaavu. aalopu guide tho paatu andharu mundhuku vellipothaaru. nuvvu anni choosukuntu vellaalante nuvvu next dhi chooselopu vallu inkaa mundhuku vellipothaaru. so guide cheppedhi vinadam kudharadhu. vaallu chaalaa mundhuku vellipothunnaarani tension tho choosthunnavi koodaa sarigaa choodavu. mee classmates ku thelisindhi neeku theliyaalante nuvvu konni vadhilesi vaallatho kalavaali. appatinundi guide cheppedhi vaallu choosedhi anni neeku koodaa thelusthaayi.
  2. Guide & mee classmates unna group tho unnnaavu: Edhainaa choopinchi guide anni explain chesthoo untaadu. anthaa vini adhi choodabothe guide cheppadam avagaane akkada nundi kadhili vere chotaku velathaadu. okasaari quick gaa choosi next place ku parugetthaali. adhi choosetappudu emainaa doubt vasthe, next place ku velli adigelopu guide next topic cheppadam start chesi untaadu. so appudu adagadam kudharadhu. athanni aapi previous place lo inkokati undhi adhi emiti ani adigithe vere vaallaku nuvvu time waste chesthunnattu untundhi.
  3. Guide kante mundhu unnaavu: guide choopinche next place ku mundhe vellipoyi, vaallu vachchelopu adhi choosukoni guide cheppinappudu vinnaavanuko. nuvvu mundhe choosaavu kaabatti athanu cheppedhi thondharagaa artham avuthundhi. emainaa doubt unte athanu cheppetappude adagavachchu. vere vaallu ee doubt adagakapothe aa information miss ayyevaallam ani feel ayi ninnu mechchukuntaaru. nuvvu already choosaavu kaabatti guide koncham cheppelopu neeku anthaa artham ayipothundhi. nuvvu mottham vinaalsina pani ledhu. vere vaallu adige doubts ku anthaa nuvvu akkada undaalsina pani ledhu. so vaallu vachchelopu nuvvu next place ku velli relaxed gaa choodavachchu. alaa nuvvu anni places relaxed gaa choosi, vini, artham chesukoni enjoy cheyyochchu.

inkoka chinna example: konthamandhi kalisi thirumala laanti konda ekkuthunnaaru. andharu steps ekki veluthunnaaru. steps peddhavi lekunda undadaaniki slope ekkuva unna dhaggara koncham round thirigi velletattu steps petti untaaru. aa dhaarilo chinna chinna temples untaayi. andhuru avi choosukuntu veluthuntaaru. nenu (for example) late gaa bayaludheraanu. nenu koodaa vaallalaane steps ekki veluthoo temples anni choosukuntu velithe vaalla kante eppudu venake untaanu. appudu em cheyyaali? konni chotla steps nundi pakkaku vachchi raallu rappalu ekki straight gaa paiki velithe fast gaa velathaamu. konni temples chooda kunda koodaa fast gaa vellochchu. oka saari group tho kalisthe tharvaatha relaxed gaa anni choosukuntu vellochchu.

veetanniti nunchi neeku em artham ayyindhi? mundhu unnavaallu eppudu tension padakundaa relaxed gaa anni nerchukuntaaru. venakapadina vaallu eppudu tension paduthoone untaaru.

idhi kondalu ekkadamainaa, road meedha nadavadam ayinaa, emainaa pani chesetappudainaa, chadhivetappudainaa, ye vishayam lonainaa venakapadina vaallu kastapaduthoone untaaru. andhuke thondharagaa mundhuku vellipovaali. appatinundi eppudu mundhe undetattu choosukovaali.

idhi chadhuvu vishayam lo elaa cheyyaalo ippudu chooddhaam. college start ayyindhi. andharu chadhavadam start chesaaru. manam one month late gaa chadhavadam start chesaamu. manam koodaa vere vaallalaaga anni chadhuvu kuntupothe manaku vere vaallaku one month distance eppudu untundhi. appudu class lo lecturer cheppedhi manaku thondharagaa artham kaadhu. endhukante manaku aa subject (or topic) inkaa raadhu. adhi mundhe chadhivina vaallu anni answer chesthaaru, doubts aduguthuntaaru. alaanti vaallanu class lo sharp students antaaru.

manam sharp students avvaalante em cheyyaali? ippati varaku andharu em chadhivaaru, em nerchukunnaaru vadhilesi, repu em nerchukobothunnaaro aalochinchaali. repu lecturer em cheppabothunnaaro aalochinchaali. manam adhi chadhavaali. adhi baagaa chadhivi doubts anni note chesukovaali. vere emainaa topic chadhivithe ee doubts clarify avuthaayemo aalochinchi avasaramaithe aa topic koodaa koncham chadhavaali. gurthu pettukodaaniki multiple times chadhavanavasaram ledhu. repu class lo elaagu malli chebuthaaru kadhaa!

next day class lo cheppaboyedhi mundhe chadhuvukoni class lo koorchunte lecturer cheppedhi easy gaa artham avuthundhi. konni doubts lecturer cheppetappude clarify ayipothaayi. inkaa emainaa doubts migilithe appudu adagavachchu. lecturer emainaa questions adigithe manam chadhivina dhaantlonchi, ippudu vinna dhaantlonchi answer cheyyochchu. manaku vachchu ani cheppadaaniki eppudu doubt adagavaddhu. manaku em raadho adhi thelusukovadaaniki maathrame doubt adugu. manaku thelisindhi correct to kaadho kanukkodaaniki koodaa doubt adagavachchu.

ivanni sharp student avadaaniki kaadhu. Just to learn learning. Learning is an art. neeku elaa nerchukovaalo thelisthe em nerchokovaalannaa easy avuthundhi. neeku nee subject cheppadam ledhu. learning ni elaa nerchukovaalo chebuthunnaanu. ye art nerchukovaalannaa interest is very important. interesting gaa chadhuvu. tharvaatha cheppaboyedhi inkaa interesting gaa untundhi.

Definition of student: Student is who has to learn, who wants to learn and who is capable of learning. Student ante nerchukovaalsina vaadu, nerchukovaalanukune vaadu, nerchukogaligina vaadu. (General sentence lo gender pattinchukokoodadhu.) elaa nerchukuntaaro dhaanni batti nenu student ni 3 types gaa divide chesaanu – Basic type, Lecturer type & Researcher type.

Basic Type

veellu hard workers. kastapadi chadhuvuthaaru. book mottham chadhuvuthaaru. mottham book gurthupettukodaaniki try chesthaaru. antha peddha book oka saari chadhivi gurthupettukovadam kastam kadhaa! andhuke revision chesthaaru. anthaa gurthu undadam ledhani malli malli revision chesthaaru. enni saarlu chadhivina 100% gurthu undadam ledhani tension padathaaru. dhaantho inkoncham marchipothaaru. so vellu eppudu tension paduthu kastapaduthoone untaaru. vere vaallatho polisthe veellaku subject lo basics baagaa thelisi untaayi.

Lecturer Type

veellu koodaa book mottham chaduvuthaaru. kaani veellaku multiple times chadhive opika undadhu. kaabatti veellu okka saari chadhivi book mottham gurthupettukodaaniki try chesthaaru. okka saari chadhivithe book mottham gurthu undadhu kadhaa! kaabatti veellu em chesthaarante: chadhivina prathi topic vere subject thono, vere topic thono compare chesthaaru. aa topic tho unna differences maathrame gurthupettukuntaaru. compare chese topic similar topic avvochchu ledhaa complete different topic ayinaa avvochchu. aa topic chadhivetappudu em gurthu vasthe dhaanitho compare chesthaaru. adhi previous year subject avvochchu, vere group subject avvochchu, chinnappudu chadhivina story avvochchu, puraanaallo (raamayanam, bhaaratham lo) incident avvochchu denithonainaa compare cheyyochchu. vaatitho similarities or differences gurthupettukunte chaalu. ilaa book mottham chadhivinaa gurthupettukunedhi thakkuva untundhi. ee process koncham time-taking. prathi chapter lo prathi topic chadhivi dhaani gurinchi aalochinchi dhaaniki similar topics aalochinchi vaati differences aalochinchi avi gurthupettukovaali. gurthupettukovadam separate task kaadhu. differences emiti ani aalochisthe ave automatic gaa gurthu untaayi. idhi nenu cheppinantha kastam kaadhu. edhainaa topic chadhivina tharvaatha adhi dhenikainaa match avuthundhemo ani okasaari aalochinchaali. anthe… malli aa topic chandhavanavasaram ledhu. adhi gurthu undipothundhi.

ee Lecturer type students prathi dhaaniki anthaku mundhu chadhivina subjects, stories tho link chesthaaru kaabatti veellu emainaa explain chesetappudu chaalaa examples cheppagaluguthaaru. manaku thelisina example tho relate chesi emainaa subject chebithe manaku thondharagaa artham avuthundhi.

Researcher Type

veellaku assalu kastapade opika undadhu. book mottham chadhavaalane aalochanake bhayapadathaaru. book koncham chadhivo, assalu chadhavakundaano book lo dhanthaa nerchukovaalani try chesthaaru. nerchukuntaaru kooda! elaa antaavaa? veellu assumptions tho aa subject mottham frame chesthaaru. aa process lo konni assumptions cancel ayipothaayi. final gaa konni assumptions tho mottham subject frame chesthaaru. anthaa mind lone, inkaa book chadhavaledhu kadhaa! tharvaatha book lo ee assumtions clarify chesukodaaniki paniki vachche topics maathrame chadhuvu thaaru. anthe… vaallaku mottham subject vachchi untundhi. artham kaaledhaa?

veella first assumption: “naaku ee subject mottham vachchesindhi”. akkada nunchi inka aalochinchadam start chesthaaru. naaku subject mottham vachchesindhi kadhaa, nenu ee subject tho em cheyyochchu? Ans: ee subject tho oka decease cure cheyyochchu. ee decease cure cheyyaalante, em em theliyaali? Ans: aa decease properties theliyaali. ilaanti decease ku em properties unde chance undhi? Ans: idhi undochchu, idhi undochchu ledhaa idhi undochchu. first property undhani assume chesukunte aa decease elaa cure cheyyochchu? dhaaniki inkemainaa information kaavaalaa? aa information lo idhi ayithe em cheyyochu adhi ayithe em cheyyochchu? ilaa anni aalochisthu aa subject lo aa book lo em em unde chance undhi ani aalochisthu untaaru. ilaa konni rojulu aalochisthe aa subject meedha oka idea vasthundhi. ee subject lo ilaanti topics unde chance undhi, vaatilo ee topics chaalaa important ani alaa aalochisthu untaaru.

veellaku eppudainaa book chadhive opika vachchinappudu veella assumptions correct to kaadho oka saari quick gaa choosukuntaaru. correct ayithe inka book chadhavaalsina avasaram ledhu. edhainaa wrong ayithe, assalu wrong elaa ayyindhi? book lo emainaa thappu ichchaadaa? manam emainaa information miss ayyaamaa? ani book ne challenge chesthu serious gaa chadhuvuthaaru. kastapadi book chadhivina feeling raakundaa chadhivesthaaru. most of the cases book chadhivedhi chaalaa thakkuva. chadhivinaa konni pages maathrame chadhuvuthaaru.

evarainaa ye type lo ayinaa chadhavavachchu. manam mind nu entha use chesthaamo dhaanni batti untundhi. mind nu ekkuva use chesthe physical work thagguthundhi. okkade ee moodu types lo chadhivithe aa student best student avuthaadu. edhainaa book chadhavaalanukunnappudu Reseacher type lo start cheyyaali. aa book lo em em undadaaniki chance undhi ani aalochinchukuntu undaali. book chadhuvetappudu Lecturer type lo chadhavaali. vere subject tho relate chesthu chadhavaali. oka chapter lo oka topic chadhivina tharvaatha malli adhi chadhive pani lekundaa aalochinchaali. adhi dheniko oka dhaaniki relate cheyyi. lekapothe dhaani application emito oka saari oohinchuko. aa application nu dhenikainaa relate cheyyi. alaa relate chesthu chadhivithe bagaa gurthu untundhi.

ippudu nuvvu elaa chadhavaalo chebuthaanu. nuvvu chadhavadaaniki oka book theesukunnaavu. assalu aa book nuvvu endhuku chadhavaalanukuntunnaavu? aa book chadhavaalsina avsaram emiti? exam kosam, marks kosam chadhavaalanukuntunnaavaa? then your mind will not keep anything. kastapadi revisions chesi force chesi mind lo store chesinaa exam avagaane aa mind lo nunchi anni flush-out avuthaayi. tharvaatha gurthu undadhu. manaku istam leni subjects, course lo undhi kaabatti chadhuvaali kaani adhi future lo manaku paniki raadhu ane laanti subjects alaa exam kosam, pass avadam kosam chadhavaali. vere subjects anni rendu vidhaalugaa chadhavaali.

okati manaku istam kaabatti chadhavadam. ee subject emito thelusukovaalani, andhulo edho nerchukovaalani mana sontha interest tho chadhavadam. ilaa chadhivina subjects life lo eppudu marchipomu. nidhralo lepi adiginaa anni correct gaa cheppochchu. manam chesthunna degree ku, manam theesukunna specialization ku unde core subjects, back-bone laanti subjects ni manam interesting subjects gaa maarchukovaali. elaagainaa core part of this specialization nerchukovaalanukunte aa subjects meedha interest automatic gaa vasthundhi. interesting subjects eppudu mind lo thiruguthu untaayi. kaabatti avi chadhavadaaniki, gurthupettukodaaniki manam ekkuva kastapadanavasaram ledhu. interesting subject ku sambandhinchina ye vishayam manaku thelisinaa mana mind vaatini jaagartha gaa store chesukuntundhi. avasaramainappudu automatic gaa gurthu vasthaayi.

rendodhi manam vere vaallaku nerpaalsivasthundhi kaabatti chadhavadam. okaroju mee madam ninnu pilichi oka MBBS chesina ammayi vachchindhi, mee specialization theesukunte em em nerchukuntaamu ani aduguthundhi, nuvvu koncham explain cheyyi ante nuvvu em chesthaavu? repu mee juniors vachchina tharvaatha mee previous year subject lo ninnu oka class theesuko mante appudu em chesthaavu? madam evariko oka subject explain chesthu undhi. nuvvu vere pani meedha akkadaku vellaavu. ventane madam – thanu naa student, ee subject thanu explain chesthundhi ani ninnu vaalla mundhu nilabedithe appudu nuvvu em chesthaavu? chadhuvukoni vachchi chebuthaanu ani cheppalevu kadhaa! oka roju mee class lo okaru dheenam gaa mokham petti naaku ee subject assalu artham kaavadam ledhu. koncham explain chesthaavaa ani adigithe em chebuthaavu? ivanni embarrassing moments kaadhu, opportunities. nuvvento proove chesukune chances. nenu eppudu ilaanti chances kosame wait chesthu untaanu. evarainaa edhainaa adiginappudu adhe moment lo vaallaku kaavalsindhi vaallaku artham ayyelaa cheppagaligithe vaallu manalni brilliants gaa stamp vesthaaru. aa tharvaatha padhi saarlu manaku raadhu anna vaallu nammaru. manaku thelisina ippudu cheppadam ledhu anukuntaaru.

ilaanti opportunities miss avvakundaa undaalante manam em chadhivinaa edho oka roju vere vaallaku explain cheyyaalsi vasthundhi ani chadhavaali. oka topic chadhivi ilaa explain chesthe vaallaku artham avuthundhaa ledhaa? artham avakapothe elaa cheppaali? emainaa example chebithe baaguntundhaa? ye example chebithe baagaa suit avuthundhi? idhi explain cheyyadaaniki anthaku mundhu chadhivina edhainaa subject lo nunchi oka topic refer chesthe baagaa artham avuthundhaa? alaa anni aalochinchi relevent information oka saari oohinchukoni ee subject ku link cheyyaali. okka saari nuvvu ippudu chadhivuthunna topic mee (baagaa cheppe) lecturer explain chesthe elaa chesthaaru ani aalochinchu. thana kante nuvvu baagaa artham ayyetattu explain cheyyaalante elaa cheyyaali ani aalochinchu. nuvvu vere vaallaku explain cheyyadaaniki maathrame chadhuvuthupothe nuvvu em chadhavaalo em aalochinchaalo anni automatic gaa vachchesthuntaayi. kastapadi gurthu pettukunedhi emi undadhu. mee madam vere pani meedha 3 to 4 months leave theesukovaalsi vachchi, mee juniors ku classes ninnu theesukomante, are you ready for that? chinna chinna opportunities baagaa utilize chesukunte peddha opportunities adagakundaane vasthaayi. get ready for every chance to help others. course work lo evariki em problem vachchinaa, doubt vachchinaa clarify cheyyadaaniki nenu unnaanu annattu nuvvu prepare avvaali, ekkuva kastapadakundaa 🙂

paina cheppinavanni mind tho cheyyaalsina panulu. ivi cheyyadaaniki nuvvu nee room lone undaalsina avsaram ledhu. ekkada unnaa em chesthu unnaa parallel gaa aalochisthu undochchu. ippati varaku thelisina information nundi verevanni derive chesukuntu aa subject mottham mind thone chadhiveseyyaali. ippudu asalu book chadhivithe elaa chadhavaali, em chadhavaali anedhi chooddhaam. book chadhavadam anedhi last option, nee study mottham mind thone chesi undaali. physical gaa book chedhivithe entha thakkuva chadhivi aa subject mottham artham chesukunte antha manchidhi.

Final gaa book chadhavaalani decide chesukunnaamu. ippudu book elaa chadhavaali? first page nundi last page dhaaka chadhavaalaa? akkadakkada random gaa chadhavaalaa? important topics identify chesukoni avi chadhavaalaa? exam point of view lo chadhavaalaa? (ee subject ku exam ledhu. ee subject manaku interest kaabatti chadhuvuthunnaamu ledhaa vere vaallaku explain cheyyadaaniki chadhuvuthunnaamu. so no exam for this subject or book.) manam unnadhi PG lo, ante masters. ante mastering the subject. subject mottham manaku thelisi undaali. eppudu? end of the degree naa? start of the degree naa? inbetween naa? ye moment lo adiginaa subject mottham cheppagaligi undaali. start of the degree lo subject mottham cheppagaligithe inka 3 years chadhavadam endhuku antaavaa? book elaa chadhavaalo thelisthe neeke artham avuthundhi.

mundhu cheppinattu new book chadhivemundhu researcher laa aa book lo em unde chance undho aalochinchaali. first time book theesinappudu start with Contents. Contents lo koodaa main chapter names maathrame chadhuvu. koncham sepu aalochinchu. ee subject lo ee main chapters major parts ani artham avuthundhi kadhaa! try to form a story now. ippudu evarainaa ee subject emiti ani adigithe ee main chapter names tho form chesina story 2 minutes cheppochchu kadhaa! now read sub-headings from contents. that means for each major part of the subject, these are the subparts. ippudu each chapter ku oka chinna story form avuthundhi. Now you can talk about 10 minutes about the subject. oka saari oohinchuko, ippati varaku chadhivina contents tho elaa explain cheyyaali ani. next go for sub-sub-headings from contents. Now you can talk for 30 minutes on this subject. kaani ippatike data ekkuva undhi. adhi mottham okka saari chadhivi gurthupettukovadam kastam. andhuke story form chesi evarikainaa chebuthunnattu oohinchukovaali. book choosthu rendu moodu saarlu cheppadaaniki try cheyyaali. tharvaatha book moosesi cheppadaaniki try cheyyaali. first time mottham gurthu undadhu. parledhu. gurthu undani parts malli chadhuvu. ee process 2 days, 3 days pattochchu. inkaa ekkuva koodaa pattochchu. room lo lekapoyinaa rojanthaa kudhirinappudu mottham gurthuthechchukodaaniki try cheyyaali. mottham gurthu raakapothe em miss avuthunnaavo evening velli chadhivi malli mottham frame chesukovaali.

3, 4 pages contents chadhivi nuvvu mottham subject explain cheyyagaluguthaavu. inka neeku theliyaalsindhi emiti? details about the lowest level topics. nee previous knowledge tho chaalaa topics neeku artham avuthaayi. edhainaa topic neeku theliyakapothe, edhainaa new topic unte appudu book lopaliki velli direct gaa aa topic chadhuvu. first para chadhavangaanne adhi neeku thelisina topic ani artham ayithe nuvvu adhi skip chesi vere theliyani topic ku vellochchu. time unte aa topic complete gaa chadhivi vere topic ku vellochchu. emiti, one year undhigaa antunnaavaa? ledhu. you have to just jump and cross all your classmates. andhuke contents tho neeku subject mottham vachcheyyaali. edhainaa complete gaa new topic anipisthe fast gaa chadhivi thelisina topics loki shift cheyyaalli. 100% subject theliyaali. kaani each topic 100% theliyaalsina avasaram ledhu. one week time pettukoni ilaa chadhivi subject mottham artham chesukunte, sarigaa theliyani topics class lo cheppinappudu konni, tharvaatha appudappudu chadhivi konni nerchukovachchu. subject mottham lectrurer gaa maatlaadadaaniki one week time pettukoni serious gaa mind ku ekkuva pani ichchi chadhivithe nuvvu vere vaallakante mundhu untaavu. mundhu unnavaallu tension padakundaa anni baagaa nerchukuntaaru. class lo cheppedhi easy gaa artham avuthundhi. mottham subject mind lo untundhi kaabatti each topic ku mind lo place-holder untundhi. class lo aa topic chebithe adhi direct gaa velli dhaani place lo store avuthundhi. nuvvu eppudainaa book chadhivinappudu, vere vaallatho discuss chesinappudu konni topics clear avuthaayi. alaa mind lo unna gaps fill avuthu untaayi. nuvvu aa subject gurinchi year lo erojainaa maatlaadagalavu. towards end of the year you can talk about the subject with more confidence. endhukante mind lo unna chaalaa gaps fill ayi untaayi kaabatti.

As early as possible nuvvu unna subjects anni 100% maatlaadagaligetattu chadhivesthe, nuvvu koodaa class lo andharitho paatu untaavu, inkaa mundhu untaavu. choose vaallaku full year nuvvu 100% subject thelisinadhaani laagaane kanipisthaavu. nuvvu slow gaa background lo details nerchukuntu untaavu. end of the year exams vachchetappatiki nuvvu complete gaa nerchu kuntaavu. so exam result koodaa baaguntundhi. ippudu vachchinattu pose petti result raagapothe elaa ane tension ledhu. because you are not stopping learning.

Follow the top-down approach: First overall subject artham chesuko. tharvaatha slow gaa next level details nerchuko. tharvaatha malli next level, then again next level. alaa minor details last lo nerchuko. minor details anni theliyakapoyinaa you will not lose anything.

Learning is an art. Enjoy learning.


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