Tag: Terrorism

Other religion

Terrorism does not have any identity but we are attaching a tag every time. Terrorists think that they are killing people of other religion. The dying people think that they are killed by people of other religion. The people who discuss about this incident also say that people of one religion are killed by people of other religion. The common thing in minds of all people is other religion. If we create respect for other religion, terrorism and hate speech disappear.

All world problems are interlinked.

Air pollution causes climate change and that causes poverty. Poverty creates terrorism and hate speech among religions aggravates it. Climate change creates losses in agriculture and that raises cost of living. High costs create huge wealth gaps and that create slavery. World creates business over all the problems and we call it a sustainable development.

Base problems are poverty, air pollution and hate speech among religions. These problems exist for a long time because of the way people see them. The thought process of people needs to be put on a right path with respect to these problems.

Politicians have power to divide the world into countries and country into states. Religions have more power because they can divide each street into pieces. At same time, religions can combine all people across borders as a single unit. It is up to us how we use the power of religion.

You get right to hate people of other religions when you take care of two things.

  1. Don’t use what people of other religions have created.
  2. Don’t use what people of other religions have already used.

When you take care of these two things, you get full right to hate people of other religions. For more clarity, let me give you few examples of the above two points.

First thing that you need to leave is your mobile phone. Mobile phone has many parts, cover, battery, screen, camera, speaker, internal memory, external memory, operating system, applications, games, and so on. Each part is created by different company. In each company, they can have people of all religions as employees. There is no limit for number of applications. Each application comes from different company from different part of the world. The integration of all these is your mobile phone. That means your mobile phone is created by people of all religions of the world.

Next thing, you need to leave is your car. Car also has many pars like engine, tires, outer design, cushions, audio system, GPS, navigation, infotainment and many other parts. Each part comes from different company. Again people of all religions are involved in creating your car.

Similarly you should leave bus, train, flight, ship and all other vehicles.

The next one that you need to leave is food. The food that you are eating is created by people of many religions. Don’t you believe? I will explain. Your food has many ingredients like rice, wheat, spices, vegetables, fruits, salt, sugar, curd and so on. These are not created by one person at one place. Take rice. Land owner is one person. Seeds are bought from one shop. Tools and vehicles of different people are used for sowing. Many workers are required. Finally when crop is ready, it is cut and sold to factory. They clean, polish and pack them and sell them to super markets or brokers. They make small packs and distribute across the city. We buy some part of it and use it as our food. Many people, factories, shops are involved for getting one ingredient of our food. Just think of how many people of how many places are involved in creating the food that we are eating today. Every country is importing food from other countries. That means, food is created by people of all religions of the world.

Next thing is water. People of other religions have already drank water and urinated it. They wash face with water and that water goes in drain. They bathe, wash clothes, dishes, house and everything. All that water goes in drain and gets mixed in the ocean. The ocean water evaporates and forms clouds. These clouds go all around the world and rain. The rain comes as rivers, lakes, tanks and even underground water. We get that water in our home in various forms. We filter it and drink. So the water is already used by people of all religions of the world.

The last but not the least is air. People of other religions have breathed in the air and released it. The air that we are breathing now is already used by people of other religions. Those who like to hate people of other religions should not use the air that is already used.

When you can avoid these few things, you get full rights to hate people of other religions.

Love and hate

By default we all love each other. We all love all living creatures of our world. I will prove it in 2 minutes.

You went out with your loved one. You both were feeling hungry. You checked your bag and found one apple. You immediately gave it to your loved one. That person ate half of it and gave it to you. What do you do? Do you think, “This apple touched that person’s teeth and lips, how can I eat what somebody else has eaten?” or just eat it without second thought. You ate some part and gave it back to your loved one. That person eats the remaining. You ate what other person had eaten without any conditions because you love that person unconditionally.

One person breathes air and consumes whatever that person requires and releases the remaining. We breathe that air and consume whatever is required and release. This sharing happens unconditionally because we all love each other unconditionally by default.

Then, where this word hate comes from? This has not come, it is created.

One adult met a 5 year old child and asked her, “Who do you like the most, your mother or your father?” The child immediately answers, “My father”. The adult said, “You like your father that means you don’t like your mother”. The child never thought in that way so the child was silent. The adult continued, “That means you hate your mother”. The child thought for a while, “Not liking means hating so may be right” and nods her head. Then the adult confirmed, “You like your father and you hate your mother”. The child nodded her head as if she learned something new. From that day onwards, the child feels anger for everything her mother does.

This is exactly how politicians are creating anger among religions. Wrong spiritual leaders make you believe that you hate people of other religions. You like your religion. You like your god. That means, you don’t like god of other religions. That means you hate god of other religions. That means you hate people who worship god of other religions. That means you hate people of other religions. As it all looks logical, your mind remembers only the last sentence. When you travel in a public transport, if you see a person of other religion, your mind reminds you that you hate that person. Immediately your behaviour towards that person changes. You try to avoid or stay away from that person. You look at that person as if he is your enemy. This is all because of the negativity installed in your mind. Otherwise how can you hate an unknown person? Hate is created by few people who want to separate people for their advantage.

People think that hate is opposite of like. But it is wrong. Do you think cold and hot are opposites? No. Cold means less heat and hot means more heat. 20° C in Africa is cold but same 20° C is Alaska is hot. When the heat is more than what we tolerate is hot, when the heat is less it is called cold. Similarly hate and like are less love and more love. In the example of father and mother, the child loves both. She loves her father little more. We are drawing a strong line in-between and calling one part like and other part hate. Please remove the line. Like and hate are just more love and less love. They are not opposites.


In my point of view terrorism is not a problem. It is by-product of other problems. If we solve the real problem, terrorism disappears automatically.

The way this world is attacking terrorism is funny. Every country is doing something to kill terrorism. How they do is the funny part. Terrorism is a huge tree spread over many countries. To kill this tree, every country is cutting its leaves. That too, it cuts only the leaves which are spread over it. The country feels that it has killed/eradicated terrorism after it cuts some or all leaves visible in its territory. It forgets the fact that the tree is huge and spread across many countries. Next year new leaves come up. The country/government reacts shockingly, thinks it as emergence of new terrorists and spends lot of money to cut new leaves. This process is going on for decades.

If you just stop water supply to the root of a tree, how long the tree can survive? Whatever is the size of the tree, it dies very soon. Why these countries and big governments not stopping water supply to the tree of terrorism?

What is water for tree of terrorism? It is money especially black money. The fertilizers to this tree are poverty, poor people or hungry people who can do anything for food. If we can remove black money from this world and reduce poverty, terrorism disappears.

Poverty gives man power for terrorists’ operations across the world. Black money gives money power to buy weapons, vehicles, food and also man power. So black money is the main root cause of terrorism. Terrorists can do nothing without money. All their purchases and transactions are illegal. For illegal purchases, they need to pay more than market price. Terrorists cannot operate without support from local people. Knowing the risk local people will not support so easily. But there are two factors that make people obey them. One is huge money and the other is fear. People rarely obey only with fear. Most of the times, it is both. So terrorists contact local antisocial bodies and pay huge money. These local antisocial bodies will be accumulating hungry poor people for their operations by scaring and showing money. When a weak minded poor person sees huge money which he/she cannot imagine to earn in life time, his/her senses stop working and get ready to do anything. Or if they frighten a person about his life or his family member’s life, without any other option, the person may commit the crime. Once a person commits crime in extreme condition, the criminal leaders use that person as weapon in the society by blackmailing or by showing money.

In all these conditions, money is the dominant part. If we just cut off money inflow to terrorists, none of these can happen. Their activities cannot run longer only with fear factor.

Who is supplying/giving so much money to them? People that are having black money are supplying money to terrorists directly or indirectly. Personally they may be against terrorism. Then how are they supplying money to terrorist? It is very simple logic. Terrorists attack the people that are having huge black money and rob part of it. The person who lost the money cannot report to police because it is black money and cannot fight against terrorists also. These attacks are never recorded in police records. Some of the black money holders grow local terrorists and use them for antisocial activities and earn money illegally. Some people who do illegal business will have direct links with terrorist groups and support them financially. Here also the money used is illegal or black money.

The second part is man power. For terrorist operations, they need huge man power. They gather street children & orphans; provide food & shelter and then train them for antisocial activities. They do brainwashing of those children and make them live and die for their principles. Once the children believe that they are living only for terrorism, they cannot be changed. These children form the core manpower of terrorism. Poor people are the low cost manpower for terrorist groups. Mostly they use poor adults for one time operation. Their permanent and reliable manpower is local antisocial groups. Though these are costly people, they help each other reliably. Along with all these people, there is one more category of people who work as manpower. They are the rich people who are in higher positions of government offices and in other companies. Terrorist groups buy these people by paying huge money. All the security breaches and infiltrations are caused by these people. All the weapon movements and terrorist movements are guarded by these officials. It is difficult to catch them because they will not involve in final operation. Usually only poor people are caught and killed in terrorist attacks and encounters.

Terrorist groups need a lot of money to maintain and grow manpower. Whatever way we see, terrorism is living because of huge inflow of money. It is like water for a tree. Somehow if the world cuts off all the sources of income of terrorist groups, terrorism disappears. If terrorism dies, all the countries that are affected by terrorism start developing similar to the small trees living under the shade of a big tree. When the big tree dies, the small trees living below the big tree start growing.


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